The more who review/audit tomcat for security, the better. :-)

Comments intermixed below.

Jean-Francois Arcand wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking to do a Security Audit on the current Tomcat 5.0 codebase. I 
> would like to collect as more as information as where you think I should 
> look at (code, security hole, etc.). I'm planning to do the audit using 
> the default SecurityManager. Rigth now, I have started looking at:
> - doPrivilege blocks. Are they small enough? Can they be reduced?

I don't think there are more than a dozen doPrivileged() blocks in all
of catalina and jasper.  They are relatively few and restricted to a
few specific methods in catalina which may get executed by some action
a servlet or jsp performs.  For example, when a jsp page does a forward.

> - JSP generated code. Are they secure? Can a malicious app uses the code 
> to access o.a.catalina code?

Class restrictions are implemented in two ways.
First, the catalina core API's are in server/lib so that they are not
one of the parent class loaders visible to a web app.  Second, the
WebappClassLoader implements checkPackageAccess() and checkPackageDefinition().
These are only implemented if Tomcat was started with the SecurityManager.

One change we considered with Tomcat 4 was whether it should require using
the Java SecurityManager.  You may want to open up that debate again with
Tomcat 5.

> - Is catalina.policy restricted enough?

Not for my needs, my security policies are much more restrictive.
But restrictive enough for some users.  Perhaps there should be a second more
restrictive example catalina.policy.

> - Is our Classloader secure?
> Any direction/ideas/recommendations will be appreciated.

I don't have time right now to particpate in the security audit, but I will
make sure I review any findings.

One item that has been on my todo list for a while is a document on how to
write SecurityManager and web application friendly code.  I find numerous
packages, frameworks, etc. which perform things in ways which are not
friendly to the SecurityManager or a web application.

I have been known to file bug reports with other jakarta projects when I run
across these issues. :-)



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