Sven Köhler wrote:
read-error should not happen, as mod_jk could send a quit-paket or something (analog to the ftp-protocol)

read-error happen BECAUSE APACHE HTTPD server close client
when it recycle them.

i hoped, you would react on this one.

What's the problem with this connection closing handling ?

tomcat detect a closed connection, and close its own
socket side then free the thread.

i'm not very much into apache httpd's internals, but i guess, that a child isn't just killed, but notified to terminate itself (OK, perhaps a kill-signal is used), but the question is, if mod_jk is called when a child exits/gets killed. if mod_jk can catch this case, it should gracefully close the connection (like quit-command in FTP-protocol), so tomcat knows, that everything is OK.

As I said previously, Apache kill childs under heavy load, and you want add extra delays by sending a message to warn tomcat that the connection will be closed ?

Another point is that adding new message to protocol make
it incompatible with olders java implementations or with alternate
implementations (like jetty).

That was one of the reason why I started to think about an ajp13++
or ajp14.

i know, that apache kills and spawns new child every now and than, but as this is normal, this should be handled more gracefully.

i cannot supply you with a patch, because i'm not that good in writing apache-modules (in fact, i never did that before, and i didn't write any C/C++ for some years now)

I don't see, for now, much need for Tomcat to know that the connection has been dropped gracefully or abnormally, since it will make us :

- update the protocol paper (easy)

- update java side implementations (easy for JTC, dunno for Jetty,
  may be impossible for Tomcat 3.2.x).

- add native side code to trap child/thread handle the shutdown
  more gracefully.

Updating the protocol may create problems with old implementations
and as such will great unnecessary questions/problems reports
from users...

I'd rather like to see such energy invested in jk2 and ajp13 extensions.

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