I am making fewer mistakes with the releases since I wrote up the doc

Mike Anderson wrote:
Looks like Gleen was ahead of the game (as usual :-) and I was confused
between what was in CVS and his tarball.  Sorry for my misinformation.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/25/2003 8:38:51 AM >>>

Actually from my reading of jk_version.h this change was already made
in the test release. [And the version string shows up as 1.2.5 on

Mike Anderson wrote:

There is one minor change to jk_version.h so that the module reports
that it is version 1.2.5 instead of 1.2.5-dev.  If you already


and modified that locally, or you don't care what it reports, you


be fine.

Mike Anderson

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/25/2003 8:00:54 AM >>>

The test release at cvs.apache.org/~glenn is what will be released
with no changes and does reflect the source which was tagged as

So yes, you can use binaries built from that source as mod_jk 1.2.5
release binaries.



Jess Holle wrote:

Were there any changes since the test release, i.e. does the tagging

reflect (minus release notes, etc) the test release?

[I'm asking as I've built binaries for all platforms I need from the

test release and would like to avoid rebuilding all of them....]

Glenn Nielsen wrote:

Glenn Nielsen wrote:

Henri Gomez wrote:

Glenn, could you tag JTC 1.2.5 so I could commit my work on JTC


I would like to see modjk 1.2.5 tagged/released before committing
this.  I was waiting on a report for Windows before releasign,
we now have that.  I'll post a release vote shortly.

mod_jk_1_2_5 has been tagged in CVS, the HEAD is now mod_jk




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