William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Since it will take some time to assess that the changes and new features
are stable, v.s. dev quality, I believe it's sorta pointless to put extra energy
into the 2.0 backport. We won't compromise mod_proxy again in 2.0 after its very slow crawl to some measure of stability. So count me a pretty
strong -1 for backporting any major refactoring of proxy for 2.0.

You know what pain it took for proxy to be accepted as useful (v.s. 1.3).

This is a pretty significant leap, so it really doesn't make that much sense
to compromise things.

I see your point... In that case I'm now keen to see httpd v2.2 go out the door. :)

One of the side effects of this work is that the connection pool and load balancing code is available to proxy_http as well as proxy_ajp, which means a performance boost to the HTTP proxy.

The main reason I was keen to see an RPM spec file in the official release was to make it easy for people to use our most recent versions out in the real world, instead of vendor supplied more conservative releases (especially releases minus the experimental modules). It would be cool to see packaging for Debian, or Solaris, etc added as well. This would make it easy for people to deploy our latest releases without being forced to wait for the more conservative vendors to catch up, and in turn get httpd 2.2 onto more servers.


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