I just want to share my experience since this have been spend me the whole
day to figure that out.

If you tried to run tomcat as nobody while your TOMCAT_HOME's directory (
as well as the sub directories and files are owned by someone else, let's
say root ).  You have to make sure you change the directory's owner of
TOMCAT_HOME/work and TOMCAT_HOME/logs to nobody if you are going to run
tomcat as nobody.  If you have your workDir ( in ContextManager of your
server.xml file ) set to something other than the default "work", make sure
that directory also owned by nobody ( I assume you are trying to run tomcat
as nobody ).  If your permission didn't setup right for your workDir, you
might have trouble running your JSP.  At least, this happen on me.. :(

I am still looking at the way to let people start their own Tomcat instance
with mod_jk.  It is very simple to do it with mod_jserv, but I can't find
any document tell you how to do it with mod_jk.  If you have done that,
please share your experience.

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