
thanks for your response (sorry about the repeated post - my mistake)

What's wrong with putting them in CATALINA_HOME/common/lib?

well, nothing. it just sounds very ugly, having the same jar files running twice in one tomcat, once in server/lib and once in common/lib. is this how its _normally_ done ?

another point is, tomcat starts complaining about 'bundles' then,
but this may be solvable    ...

I found this old thread about extending WebdavServlet,
in which Andreas Probst notes his webapp cant load classes
from the $CATALINA_HOME/servlet/lib/ dir.

this url
makes it clear why.

but now: how should I  extend WebdavServlet inside my webapp ?
If i put my own classes in the org.apache.bla package, it can't load
the classes from my webapp, ofcourse.

should I copy all jar files from  $CATALINA_HOME/servlet/lib/*jar
to my webapps /WEB-INF/lib ?

that should work, but it sounds ugly.

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Andreas Probst wrote:

Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 13:59:49 +0200
From: Andreas Probst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: newbie - finding class files

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Andreas Probst wrote:

Hi all,

does Tomcat really look into tomcatdir/server/lib? For me it  seems
Tomcat doesn't.

This directory is only visible to the classloader for Tomcat itself, not
for webapps. There is a special rule that makes servlet classes in
package "org.apache.catalina" available to webapps anyway, however, which
is why the standard WebdavServlet (as well as the other Tomcat features
that are available via servlets) can be loaded.


Thank you Craig.

Could you please tell more about the rule or give a pointer. The
class-loader-info of the Tomcat-Docu says nothing about the rule, but
says, that "These classes and resources are TOTALLY invisible to web

Actually, the rule is very simple, and it is there in the docs. Look at
the picture of the class loader hierarchy in the Tomcat docs:

http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.0-doc/class-loader- howto.html

The classes that are visible to a web application are those in the class
loader for that webapp, and any of it's parent class loaders. In other
words, an application can see the "WebappX" class loader for itself,
plus the "Shared", "Common", "System", and "Bootstrap" class loaders. It
can*not* see the "Catalina" class loader.

thanks, *-pike ========== Signature #1 ==========

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