
Here's your problem:

> <location>/WEB-INF/jsp/exceptions/ServletException.jsp</location>

JSPs can't be run from inside the WEB-INF directory. Try moving your jsp/exceptions directory up one level.


Wendy Smoak wrote:

From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Try <exception-type>java.lang.RuntimeException</exception-type>, as
that's the superclass for unchecked exceptions and you probably want to
handle them all the same (if you want to handle them at all, which
apparently you do).

I don't understand. :( I don't know if this is related to the original question, but I have this in web.xml:


(in the appropriate place, at the bottom just above </web-app>)

When this code executes:
  if ( report == null || report.equals( "" ) ) {
     log.debug( "doGet: no data!  Need to forward to an error page." );
     throw new ServletException( "No data found in HOLD file" );

I _still_ get this in the browser:

type Exception report
message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
it from fulfilling this request.
exception javax.servlet.ServletException: No data found in HOLD file
at edu.asu.vpia.webapp.PDFServlet.doGet(PDFServlet.java:94)

Yansheng Lin suggested using Struts declarative exception handling, but
this is a plain-old Servlet, not a Struts Action.

The same <error-page> tag works fine in a different webapp, I'm at a
loss as to why it fails in this one.  The JSP is present in the location
given in the tag.

What am I missing, why do I get a Tomcat-generated error page and not
the JSP I specified?

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