I do this all the time. I assume that the /Work/MyServlets/bin contains
a WEB-INF directory. docBase should be set to the directory which
contains the WEB-INF directory. Tomcat looks in the WEB-INF/classes
directory for any class files. 


Richard Scales wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just installed tomcat 3.2.1 and its working fine except that I am using
> the default webapps/examples directory to store my servlets which is a pain
> as I physically have to copy them over etc and I would like to keep them on
> a seperate folder somewhere else on my machine.
> I have been trying to achieve this by adding a contex-path to the server.xml
> file with no luck. Currently my servlets are in
> H:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps\examples\WEB-INF\classes and I would like to
> store them in
> H:\Work\MyServlets\bin
> I cannot work out how to change this directory this is as far as I have
> got:-
> <Context path="/myservlets"
>                  docBase="../../Work/MyServlets/bin"
>                  crossContext="false"
>                  debug="0"
>                  reloadable="true" >
> </Context>
> This does not work and I cannot work out why!
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks Richard
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