Adam Buglass wrote:

This is the wrong list but never mind

An alternative is the following:

ResultSet rs;
int i = 0;
while( ) {

The integer i should be the length of your result set (by the way, don't
get confused with RecordSets which are VB - I used to do that all the
time!) at the end of the loop - assuming of course that you start from
the start of the set, you could use rs.first() to ensure this.

There's tons of useful info on Java methods and classes on suns site:

Also look on for good java mailing lists where this kind of
question is more specific.


On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 15:26, Dale, Matt wrote:

This is the wrong list i'm pretty sure but there are a couple of ways to get the 
number but there isnt a direct method that returns it.

If the result set is scrollable you can iterate through it counting the number of 
iterations, then set it back to the start when you want to process the records.

The other option (one I prefer) is to load the records into an ArrayList, you can then 
determine the size quite easily.

If anyone else has any neater solutions i'd like to hear them too as I've had to do 
this in a few places.


-----Original Message-----
From: soh_mah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 May 2004 15:20
Subject: Is there any way to check # of Records in RecordSet


Is there any way to check number of Records in

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Sohail Mahmood
(416) 636-2553

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A faster aproach if you are using TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE is to call
rs.last() then call rs.getRow()
I use this all the time and have not had any problems as of yet.

To get back to the beginning is to then call rs.beforeFirst()

then begin using as usual.

Hope that helps.


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