
> Servlets are still not being forwarded - Apache reports - "404 file 
> not
found" when I click on, for example, - http://localhost/MyServlet.
MyServlet exists on my root_path as MyServlet.class . Can anyone tell me how
to prevent this error and forward the request to Tomcat5?

First, simply copying Java Classes to root_path does not work.
Servlets need to be
1. inside WEB-INF
2. NOT packageless
3. mapped in web.xml

Try to get tomcat with it's own html-connector to work first.
It is much easier than with apache / mod_jk.

THEN think about using tomcat without apache.
And only LAST, put mod_jk inbetween.
In that case, think about updateing your fairly old version of Apache2.
2.0.50 is current stable. 2.0.24 is old and has much more bugs. There should
be no problems, since the apache2 api is stable since 2.0.22.


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