Lee Hoffner wrote:

1) does host/dig/nslookup resolve 'www.mydomain.com' to your address?

I don't have a DNS server here, just a /etc/hosts file. www.mydomain.com is listed in the hosts file at
nslookup finds www.mydomain.com at the public IP provided by my ISP.

So this is broken; what OS are you running? First you need to have nslookup return your local address; do you have an /etc/nsswitch.conf file or equivalent? Configure your system to look at /etc/hosts for name resolution, and then try doing a simple `ping\telnet\ssh` to my.domain.com. Until you can do that, don't even worry about Tomcat. :-)


No idea what that is. Is it running on the server with Tomcat? Or on a router/gateway machine? Or???

But you need to fix your "inside" access first...

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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