Hi Nikola!

Thank you for your answer.

Am I reading you correctly? Can't I  use Active Directory today to
Authenticate and Authorize people in my Tomcat-server without write a
"server-side GSSAPI"?

Isn't it possible through LDAP to do this? I have no need for SingleSignOn
etc. If we didn't already have had a AD directory I should have used a

Thank you in advance
Roland Carlsson

Den 04-10-14 11.24, skrev "Nikola Milutinovic"

>> Hi!
>> I have tried to read the arcives about how to create an realm that uses
>> Active Directory as source but all questions that seems to fit me has no
>> answers. I need to be able to authenticate my users and authroize them in my
>> jsp-code (eg: request.isUserInRole ).
>> So, what libraries do I need to add?
>> What should I write in my server.xml-file. The structure of the AD is
>> com.mydomain/Users/JoeDoe (when looking in the gui-console).
>> Can I use form-based authentication?
>> Please do not refer to the LDAP mumbo-jumbo but rather use gui-elements from
>> the AD-console if there are anything you want me to find out about our
>> settings.

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