
Have a read of http://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/

If you have access to the apache config then you should be able to add a
header like the ones below using mod_headers

Cache-Control: max-age=60, must-revalidate 

to expire content after 60 seconds or use 

Cache-Control: no-cache 

to force revalidation of the content on each request.


On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 04:53, Justin Ruthenbeck wrote:
> Wade,
> Thanks for your comments.
> By adding the <META> expires tag, it sounds like you setting the system 
> up to schedule the upgrade.  By this, I mean that you know you're gonna 
> upgrade a week from today, so you configure Apache to suggest that all 
> content should expire at that time.  Sounds reasonable.
> In our situation, we have our webapps installed offsite in clients' 
> facilities, so all/most of the upgrade process needs to be fool-proof... 
> reconfiguring Apache 1 week (or whatever) before the upgrade isn't really 
> an option.  Aside from this, any more idea about how to handle this?
> Thanks,
> justin
> >For static web pages you can use a tag like this:
> >
> >If the browsers still have a problem you might be able to configure 
> >Apache to output a header will all content called EXPIRES.  I think you 
> >can if I remember right from some docs I read.  You will have to look at 
> >Apache for that.  I'm not sure about tomcat being able to handle that or 
> >not, but the apache bit should prepend the header I believe.  The only 
> >other way would be to output all images and static pages from a servlet 
> >of some kind and add the header yourself to the request.  Browsers 
> >should honor that tag or header for all images down the line from your 
> >html or jsp pages, but may not.
> >
> >Some browsers may be able to be set to ignore this all together 
> >though.  Sometimes it is even worse than that.  I have seen ISP's who 
> >think they are slick who install a cache in their systems, and they 
> >basically become a proxy for the users.  If they are ignoring such 
> >things your users would have to contact them.  I have seen some who do 
> >this for different protocols even http and https differently.  That one 
> >irked me pretty good.
> >
> >Anyways, I use expires in all my jsp and html files.  I haven't ever 
> >tried the other stuff for the headers from Apache, but think I remember 
> >reading about it in the Apache docs.  I have output that header from 
> >servlets and ISAPI dlls before.
> >
> >Someone else may be able to offer more help.
> >
> >Wade
> At 11:21 AM 10/7/2004, you wrote:
> >Justin Ruthenbeck wrote:
> >
> >>I'm looking for some advice about how to handle the following situation.
> >>(1) Apache 2.x in front of Tomcat 5.x
> >>(2) Deploy new web application.  Bunch of servlets, bunch of jsps, 
> >>bunch of static content (mainly js, css).
> >>(3) Many users use the application, during which time their browsers 
> >>cache lots of static content
> >>(4) We do a major version upgrade of the webapp, including (almost) all 
> >>new static content, but URLs stay the same (to alleviate 
> >>bookmark-maintenance requirements).
> >>The problem arises when the browsers continue to use their cached 
> >>version of the static content.  Now, the browsers eventually get 
> >>updated, but immediately after deployment there are huge numbers of 
> >>graphical and functional (js files) problems.  It seems like behavior 
> >>in this area is widely different amongst browsers and/or their settings.
> >>I have only come up with the following option:
> >>(1) Play with URLs.  New deployments can be deployed under
> >>     a different url domain like:
> >>         http://www.server.com/myapp/v1/main.css
> >>         http://www.server.com/myapp/v2/main.css
> >>     This would force browsers to get new content since the
> >>     content appears as totally new content to the browser.
> >>Aside from disabling static content caching, are there any other 
> >>options out there?
> >>Much thanks for the help!
> >>justin
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