> From: Steve Kirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I believe that if your servlet is /mywebapp/myServlet and 
> your user accesses
> /mywebapp/myServlet/iwant/this/file, the "iwant/this/file" 
> part is available
> as the request parameter getPathInfo() and you can do what 
> you like with that - access a database, access any filesystem to which
> have access, redirect to another URI, etc.

I can well believe this, yes.  Problem is that I *think* I want it to
happen at a lower level than this - I want to fool Jasper and, in fact,
the rest of Tomcat into compiling and executing a JSP that has been
accessed via our virtual filesystem.  That JSP may, in turn, access
further files within its webapp that we want to be accessed via the same
virtual filesystem.

To make life even more interesting, we want to be able to drop JSPs etc
from unmodified webapp into this environment and have them Just Work.

> So all you need to do is write a simple
> servlet that maps their request to whatever resource you want 
> to map it to.

Just to get this straight... can I write a servlet that dynamically
takes a request and re-maps the target?  I'd expected to be able to do
that with a valve, but hadn't expected to do so with a servlet.  A
pointer to the appropriate docs would be much appreciated!

Thanks for the response!

                - Peter

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