On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 10:14:24 -0500, Shapira, Yoav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>a) Convert my log4j.properties file to use a RollingFileAppender. I

This is good.

>I'd rather use a relative path (something like ./logs) and
>have the logs all end up in %TOMCAT_HOME%/logs.

Log4j configuration files can have environment variables in them, e.g.
${CATALINA_HOME}/logs/mylog.txt.  Alternatively, you could use
programmatic configuration instead of log4j.properties.

Cool! I guess it pays to know where to look. I've been digging through Tomcat documentation to find an answer, when I guess I needed to read the log4j documentation.

I want to stay away from programmatic configuration of log4j, and just use property files. Using an environment variable gives me the flexibility I need.

Thanks for your answers!



Paul Christmann
Prior Artisans, LLC

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