On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 11:28, Allistair Crossley wrote:
> no, and I believe doing so it bad practice. use some OS controlled timer like 
> cron to issue a HTTP call to your servlet. I once wrote a shell script that 
> calls a http address on the local machine but cannot remember how ;) if you 
> are using oracle then you can setup this timer thread inside the database 
> itself. don't add a thread into your web application.

I concur. It's certainly possible to write a treaded java object that
fires a command every so often but there would be no point in making
that object a servlet (servlets exist to answer client requests). 
It's also, IMHO, more aggravation than it's worth to manage your own
daemon threads in a webapp.

It would take all of 2 minutes to write a timer with crontab and wget
that could call your servlet whenever you want.

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