Check out QuartzScheduler from Open Symphony it's easy to configure within 


-----Original Message-----
From: pandu yelamanchili [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: How to run servlet for every 30 minutes in Tomcat 4.1.30

I would say it should be avoided at all if possible using threads. Since as 
we know in case of threads, there is not much management you can do. Also in 
my experience i have seen it is very easy for them to get out of control . 
So if there are any other alternatives, They should be explored first before 

I am not sure if Tomcat supports MBeans, But I remeber in JBOss, you could 
create MBeans and schedule them in the container.


>From: Jorge Sopena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: How to run servlet for every 30 minutes in Tomcat 4.1.30
>Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 18:58:23 +0100
>Why is bad using own threads inside web application?
>Aren't all the servlet request actually a thread in Tomcat?
>I can't find a reason why it's so bad solution.
>In that way, you manage to have a single and independent application.
>Maybe I don't know some thread behaviour in Tomcat...
>Allistair Crossley wrote:
>>myself and ben have suggested the most appropriate methods for doing 
>>Ben mentions WGET which can be 
>>added to a *basic* script hooked up to a cron with an interval of whatever 
>>you like.
>>you really ought to get rid of threads and thread sleeps inside web
>>application code.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Jorge Sopena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Sent: 21 December 2004 17:15
>>>To: Tomcat Users List
>>>Subject: Re: How to run servlet for every 30 minutes in Tomcat 4.1.30
>>>I'm having a similar problem in my application.
>>>I've got several servlets called by the users. Every requets save 
>>>information in DB, that has to be sent to another server later and in a 
>>>compress format.
>>>So I need sth similar toShilpa is asking, a process which runs every  X 
>>>minutes to recover the information and send it to the Server.
>>>My solution to this problem was to implement a 
>>>inside Tomcat.
>>>When Tomcat starts my application the "contextInitialized" method is 
>>>called, and then a thread is started to do the task explained above.
>>>I use "Thread.sleep(step)" to wait for the next execution.
>>>I didn't find anyway to set a timer for a servlet, and I didn't like 
>>>option of creating an external script .
>>>Any other  suggestions to solver this problem?
>>>Ben Souther wrote:
>>>>On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 11:28, Allistair Crossley wrote:
>>>>>no, and I believe doing so it bad practice. use some OS
>>>controlled timer like cron to issue a HTTP call to your servlet. I 
>>>wrote a shell script that calls a http address on the local machine but 
>>>cannot remember how ;) if you are using oracle then you can setup this 
>>>timer thread inside the database itself. don't add a thread into your web 
>>>>I concur. It's certainly possible to write a treaded java object 
>>>>that fires a command every so often but there would be no point in 
>>>>making that object a servlet (servlets exist to answer client 
>>>>requests). It's also, IMHO, more aggravation than it's worth to 
>>>>manage your own daemon threads in a webapp.
>>>>It would take all of 2 minutes to write a timer with crontab and 
>>>>wget that could call your servlet whenever you want.
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