
PLEASE ignore that second line.

And to clarify the first line is doing two imports. java.util.* and ddr.*


----- Original Message ----- From: "Parsons Technical Services" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: Syntax error on toekn "import"

Post your code section where you are doing the imports.
Missing semicolon or colon instead of semi.
Incorrect syntax could actually be on the line before the import statement as well.

<%@ page import="java.util.*,ddr.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dola Woolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tom Cat" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 5:44 PM
Subject: Syntax error on toekn "import"


Just switched to a certain extent to 5.5 (hero).

I'm getting
Sintax error on toekn "import", Identifier exprected
after this token.

but the stack trace does not refer to any of my
classes or jsp pages. Where can I start looking for
this error?


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