On Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 06:35:51PM +0200, Morten Sabroe Mortensen wrote:
: This would open up for e.g. creating a wiki-like application, where each
: wiki-page is a valid JSP-page, which is created dynamically and stored
: elsewhere than within the deployed WAR-file.

Why use real pages?  Those are a pain to manage, especially in Java
webapps (which are supposed to be sealed applications).

Many such systems (think blogs) stash the content in a database (or some
other data store) and map URIs to those entries.  In turn, accessing a
URL merges the content and a static template at runtime.  The end-user
doesn't know they're hitting a virtual resource and, quite frankly, they
shouldn't care.

Read up on the "Front Controller," "Page Controller," and "Decorator"
design patterns for insight.



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