Thanks for reply !

I did this at the suggestion of someone on a sysadmin list I'm on,
(Nowhere do any docs actually say this :)

I also added the "admin" rolename type to the user "peterk" in the

config/tomcat-users.xml file such that it now looks like this

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="role1"/>
  <role rolename="manager"/>
  <role rolename="admin"/>
  <user username="peterk" password="*******" roles="admin,tomcat,manager"/>

And restarted the server using the windows "services" UI.

However after doing this when accesing the link for "admin" I got the "you must install ...". message


However I just accessed it again and it worked :O
It apears restarting the server using the windows services UI somehow did not cause it to refresh the config properly (??) (I rebooted the machine for another reason between previously accesing admin failing and the last success)

I also noticed that if you put a comment in the tomcat-users.xml file the comment is not preserved when the server restarts. It apparently reads the file (disgards the comments) and then writes out the file upon restart.

--> Since I wish to promote OSS and Apache there really should be a complete
    and explicit even though tiny and trivial "howto install this" text file
    included in the admin download since it will likely be the first thing
    any new user confronts when installing it :)


At 01:42 PM 8/30/2005, you wrote:
From: "Peter Kennard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Is there a link - howto etc on how to install and configure the admin
I have looked at Faqs for v 5.5.9, googled for it, etc.

There is no "howto-install .." "RUNNING" etc in the webapp .zip file.

The 'admin' zip file is structured to overlay the Tomcat install and put the
files in the right place.

Unzip it in the same place you unzipped the Tomcat 5.5.9 .zip file.
(Alternately, unzip it somewhere else and copy the files into your Tomcat
install directory, being careful to start at the "right place" so it will
overlay properly.)

Wendy Smoak

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