
I have a strange behaviour with delivering images from our tomcats. 
I've just checked the manager on all machines and was quite surprised to see
following entries:

S 130223 ms 104 KB 0 KB xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx www.xxx.de GET
/dating/img/be2/be2Logout.gif HTTP/1.1 

I mean 130 seconds is a lot for a small image, isn't it?

We have a loadbalancer in front of our machines, so it shouldn't be a slow
client. I also don't see any other urls lasting so long, 
(similar images yes, but no dynamical urls).

Any idea anyone?

The hanging images are 75/105K large. We are using zip mode.


P.S. tomcat5.0.25, jdk1.4_08, linux/debian/3.1.

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