Well,  funnily enough I've just done some stress testing with our web app
against Apache & Tomcat and Apache & Resin.

With 100 concurrent connections Resin locked up the server (a Solaris 8
Ultra 10) because the mod_caucho uses precess forking which ran out of

mod_jk, on the other hand, with the thread pool set to 500, handled the load
no problem.

So I'm interested in your comments.  Please supply any figures you have - I
(and a very large credit card issuer) would be grateful.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Stoianov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 09:54

Hi guys,

I really think that TOMCAT SUCKS so bad. I'm not against the open source
community but this is why I think that TOMCAT sucks:

1. The documentation for Tomcat is so bad and it covers only the basic
server installation. HELLOOOO - usually for production purposes people have
load balancers, virtual hosts, etc.

2. Virtual hosting for Tomcat is almost impossible - especially if you have
load balancer in front of the web server.

3. The integration with apache (using mod_jk) sucks. It slows down the
productivity of the web server with at least 1000%

4. And guess what is the hell you have to go through if your virtual hosts
have different servlets mappings. You waste time and you know - time is

5. And what if you have a problem that is not in the documentation (99% of
the problem with Tomcat are not even mentioned in the documentation)? I
the only way is to post in the mailing list. And guess what happens if
has experienced this problem before? You have to start wasting your time

I really think that TOMCAT is OK for testing purposes. Trust me - for
configurations it sucks.
If you want to use a good production application server - take a look at
WebLogic, Resin, Allaire JRun, etc.


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