> -----Original Message-----
> From: EDV Systembetrieb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 8:33 AM
> Subject: Basic authentication & password caching
> Hi everybody,
> I setup Tomcat 3.3 with JDBCRealm and a mysql-database using  
> basic authenticattion. We use a servlet for fileuploading to 
> our server.
> Before sending the files, the user is prompted for loginname 
> and password.
> My problem is, that there seems to be a permanent connection 
> between the browser and the servlet or the logininformation a 
> cached by the browser until the browser is restartet
> But I'd like to force the user to enter his ID and password 
> each time he sends files, no matter if he restarts his browser or not.
> Any hints??
> Besides another question:
> Is there any documentation about parameters usable in web.xml 
> and apps-XXX.xml and what they mean. This would be very helpfull.

The web.xml is docummented by the Servlet spec (version 2.2 for
Tomcat 3.3).  It may be obtained here:


The apps-XXX.xml is documented in the User Guide under the
Adding and Customizing Contexts section.  The online version
may be found at:



> Thanks Sabine
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