Performance isn't so important as future-proofing - I don't want to have 
to re-write the db interface when struts drops it's connection pool 
provision, for example.

I believe that mm.mysql does support pooling, although I take your point 
that others may not.  I can't see us moving away from MySQL at the 
moment, so that's fine.

My use of the database is really quite simple, so I'm sure that commons 
would be fine, but at the moment I don't know where to start integrating 
it with my Struts project.  Does the container manage the pool (i.e. 
some server.xml configuration needed)? Or do I instantiate and manage 
the pool from within my application, and if so, how?


   Ric Searle
   Web Application Developer
   Dialogue Communications Ltd
   +44 (0) 114 221 0307

On Wednesday, April 10, 2002, at 02:44  pm, peter lin wrote:

> if performance is a critical requirement, than I would suggest writing a
> custom bean specific to the jdbc driver you intend to use. If Jakarta
> common provides all the features you need, than go with it.
> If your application needs to support multiple databases and jdbc
> drivers, be warned that not all jdbc drivers implement pooling, nor do
> they implement it the same way. In particular, jdbc drivers for
> SQLserver vary significantly in implementation, so doing real world
> benchmarks of each driver is critical.
> If commons doesn't provide the features you need, like scrollable
> resultsets, you may want to implement jdbc 2.0 compliant pooling driver
> using javax.sql api.
> good luck
> peter lin

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