FYI, Tomcat 4.1.x comes with Jasper 2.  Jasper 2 can now detect and recompile
pages that use compile time includes.



> reloadble="true" attribute is used to auto-reload jsp pages when they have
> changed. But you have to remember a  key point when you are including a jsp
> in another jsp page:
> If you use the "<%@ include %>" directive to include , remember that the
> include happens at compile time rather than request time. So if the
> included jsp has changed, but the including jsp hasn't, then your changes
> won't be visible. SO in this case4, it would be better to use the
> "<jsp:include />".
> Moral of story: reloadable attribute isn't a cure-all. You may need to use
> <jsp:include />
> My 2 cents.
> RS
>                       "Dominik                                                       
>                       Jednoralski"             To:       "Tomcat User Help"          
>                       <tomcat@lime-desi         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     
>             >                   cc:                                   
>                                                Subject:  Reloading .jsp-Pages        
>                       09/17/02 07:28 AM                                              
>                       Please respond to                                              
>                       "Tomcat Users                                                  
>                       List"                                                          
> Hey,
> I'm using tomcat 4.0.1 / windows. I've a problem with reloading my
> jsp-pages.
> tomcat simply ignores the changes I've made to them. I added the following
> contexts
> in the server.xml-file:
> <Context path="/WEB-INF/classes/myWebApp" docBase="myWebApp" debug="0"
> reloadable="true" />
> and
> <DefaultContext reloadable="true" />
> Anyway, they're still in the servers cache and aren't reloaded after an
> update.
> Does anyone of you smart guys know how to tell tomcat to always recomlpile
> the jsp-files and
> -includes in the MyWebApp-Directory? Thank you...
> Dominik Jednoralski
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