On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 12:05:05PM -0400, Turner, John wrote:
> That's a standard Apache "no auth" error message.  So, my guess is there's
> something going on with users (which user the web server is running as) vs.
> who owns index.jsp, or maybe a rogue .htaccess file somewhere preventing the
> web server from seeing index.jsp.  

The webserver is running at user nobody, the tomcat instance is owned by
user tomcat, group tomcat and runs as user tomcat.  All of the file 
permissions are 775.  I would have gotten a different error, I believe, if
this was the problem.

The mod_jk.conf file has index.jsp listed a valid DirectoryIndex file
and there are no Allow or deny directives for the /examples directory.
(The WEB-INF and META-INF ones are there.)

> Assuming, of course, that you're changing the URL from http://local to
> http://remote. ;)

I am :)

Any other ideas?


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