I understand Malachi's frustration, but I also completely agree with John's
well-written reply.  (As if anyone cares about my opinion. ;)

Anyway, John, regarding Answer #2, having just bitten the bullet and
installed Apache 2 and JK2 on a new machine, I am very interested in those
JK2 URLs.  I am running RHL 7.3 and desperately need to get multiple virtual
hosts working on Tomcat, so please (re)post these references.

As someone who's been on your end of the conversation, but is now just
looking to sponge up quick answers and get on with my application
development, I genuinely appreciate you being here to provide the help.
Maybe you're the result of my positive karma.  How's that for egocentric
thinking?  ;-)

Best wishes,
Lee Grey
Grey Matter

-----Original Message-----
From: Turner, John [mailto:JTurner@;AAS.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 4:39 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: RE: JK2 Installation

Well, the point I made in my earlier email, which you ignored, is that JK2
IS IN DEVELOPMENT.  As in, "possibly not ready, but maybe it is".  As in,
"possibly not able to do all of the things you want to do at this point in
time, not matter how much you demand that you be able to do them."

So, rather than deal with a post that's over a month old, let's deal with
your questions:

Answer #1: the same way you build it on any other platform.  Typically
that's using ./configure --with-apxs=/some/path/to/apache2/bin/apxs; make;
make install.  Now, if you'd like to post a new message and start a new
thread that describes exactly the problems you are having with  building
mod_jk2.so on FreeBSD, I will do my best to help you resolve them.  Maybe
you've posted them before, but since it's been 2 years since I was on a
FreeBSD box, I probably passed on them because I felt unable to provide help
and didn't want to waste your time.  Apparently I shouldn't have done that,
so if you'd like to start a new thread that details the steps you take to
build the connector and the error messages you receive, I will do my best to
help.  Heck, if you ask nice enough I might even build a FreeBSD box for old
times' sake and see for myself.  But you'd have to ask REALLY nice.

Answer #2: I cannot provide you with an example myself.  I do not use JK2, I
use JK.  I do not use JK2 because, in my opinion, it is not ready to be used
(HINT, HINT) because my goal is production stability over all else, even
nifty features like JNI.  I can point you to doc  URLs that have JK2
working, but none of those are FreeBSD based.  So, you tell me if
non-FreeBSD-based URLs are sufficient, and if they are I will resend them to
you and the list.

Answer #3: Absolutely I can do this, and it comes up on the list DAILY.  If
you're really asking, "can you show me an example of how to use JK2 with
virtual hosts", my answer is "No, see #2 above".

I think you should realize that to a large extent, many of the people on
this list discovered the answers they discovered by experiment and
investigation of the resources available to them, including existing
documentation, this list, and the source code.  If those people can do it,
so can everybody else.  In my own case, I spent over three weeks trying to
get JK working with Tomcat 4.0.4 and Apache 1.3, including trying to build
it.  As soon as I figured out what was going on, I created a HOWTO and
posted it for others, because I was frustrated at having spent so much time
on something that shouldn't take that much time.  The difference is that
some people don't want to do it...they want the easy way, a step-by-step
handholding guide on how to get something to work for free.  That's fine,
and in fact I've created several of those guides myself for anyone to use as
they wish, but that still doesn't stop me from suggesting that the first
step for people having problems is checking the docs and searching the

Yes, this list needs an FAQ badly.  No, it doesn't have one. Perhaps that
will change in the future, perhaps it won't.  Most JK/JK2 questions are
answered within an hour or two, and believe me, the SAME questions come up
over and over, and yes, sometimes the answer IS in the documentation, even
in its current state.  Not bad for free.  If I were you, I'd get used to
seeing "search the archives" or "RTFM" in reply to commonly (frequently)
asked questions.  I don't think this is unreasonable.

It's open source.  It's free.  If you want to know how something works, or
why something doesn't work, bust out your vi/emacs skills and CHECK THE
SOURCE.  Just think of all the goodwill and positive karma you will generate
if you discover the answer and in turn create a guide or HOWTO explaining to
others what you found.

Have a great day.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Malachi de AElfweald [mailto:malachi@;tremerechantry.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 6:13 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: RE: JK2 Installation
> At first, I was answering each of your emails individually,
> but thanks to POP-after-SMTP, I will try to
> get my answers across in one email instead.
> Many people are asking for help, because it isn't working.
> When people post in reply to "check the
> list" or "read the documentation", it doesn't help because,
> so far, no one has answered the questions.
> We all understand that many people are working on trying to
> make this work, and it isn't perfect, etc
> etc.  We are still asking HOW.
> As of yet, I have not successfully been able to get mod_jk2
> to work with Apache2. I have read the
> documentation, checked the lists, emailed the lists, email
> the FreeBSD port maintainers, emailed
> Network Admin friends of mine -- and so far, no one has a clue.
> So, my questions are this.  If you can't answer them, please
> don't tell me to read the documentation,
> because as far as I can tell, the answer isn't there.
> 1) How do I build jk2 on FreeBSD (using linux-sun-jdk14,
> Apache 2.0.43, and Tomcat 4.1.12)?
> 2) Can you provide an example of using the inprocess-jni in
> the worker2.properties and server.xml? The
> website shows the others, but not this one.
> 3) Can you show what would be necessary to make the
> connectors work correctly with Apache2
> VirtualHosts?
> Oh, and as far you your question about why... Because I am
> using JDK 1.4, Apache2, and JNI -- which is
> exactly the things that JK2 is supposed to be better than JK
> at (according to
> http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk2
/release/v2.0.1/doc/index.html#What's the
difference between JK and JK2 ?)...

Thanks for any assistance you can provide,

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