Simple minded as I am, I still believe with everything I have that there
MUST be a setting in Tomcat that controls how often new session ID's are
generated.  If I have a simple page that does nothing but a
"session.getId()" and it returns a new session ID every 60 mins, there must
be something in Tomcat that sets this interval.  Obviously this setting is
missing from my config files so that Tomcat uses it's default.  Has no one
ever wanted to change this setting before?  I hate to sound beligerent but
I've authored and released what I feel to be a very nice application/web
site but the only feedback I'm getting is litterally users screaming at me
because I haven't fixed this yet.  I'm going to have to start looking at
redesigning the login/verification process on every page (not a big site but
still 20K of code) to work around this issue when I feel it has to be a
simple setting.

If someone could answer this I'll give you my first born, send expensive
Christmas presents, lend you my wife.  Thanking / Praising you in advance,

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