I have a context for jsp, inside the context root tree there are also links to 
directories on
other file systems, i.e links which point outside from the context
root tree (this is so since i need one jsp context for many users,so each
link points to some user directory there he/she can place jsp files).
So i had to enable allowLinking which works fine. But jsp files ,which are
outside of the context root tree, do not get reloaded if they change.
On the other hand file ,which are under context root tree, are reloaded

Here is the relevant part of my Context configuration:
<Context path="/catalina/jsp" docBase="sys/jsp" debug="0"
         reloadable="true" crossContext="true" workDir="work/jsp">

      <Loader className="org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader"
              checkInterval="5" workDir="work/jsp" />

      <Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext"
                     allowLinking="true" docBase="" />

 Thanks a lot.

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