
This is not really a specific Tomcat issue.
It's the HTTP protocol which defaults to port 80.
If you want HTTP protocol to talk via another port,
then you have to specifiy the port in the URL.
Same for HTTPS (which is SSL) on port 443.

There are 2 options you could implement:

1) If you use Tomcat in Standalone mode, no WebServer
   like Apache, then you could modify the server.xml
   file to use port 80.
   (Look for 8080 in the server.xml and change it to 80)

2) If you want to use a separate WebServer (Apache would be
   the logical choice) then you have to implement a connector
   (I use WebApp, but it seems that mod_jk is the one for
   the future). The connector has lines of configuration code
   in httpd.conf (Apache config file) and in server.xml (Tomcat)
   It depends on your connector what to configure.

Below I included extracts from my config files.
As you can see, I connect to port 8008 in Tomcat.
So, request enters on port 80 in Apache. Apache sees that it's
for Tomcat to handle and puts it on port 8008 to Tomcat.

=== HTTPD.CONF ===

### Section on Tomcat
# Tomcat Connection
WebAppConnection conn      warp  localhost:8008

### Section 3: Virtual Hosts
NameVirtualHost localhost
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot c:/bert/jsp
    ErrorLog logs/test_bert.error_log
    CustomLog logs/test_bert.access_log common
    WebAppDeploy     struts-documentation conn /struts-documentation
    WebAppDeploy     struts-example conn /struts-example
    WebAppDeploy     struts-b1 conn /struts-b1
    WebAppInfo /webapp-info

=== SERVER.XML ===

  <Service name="Tomcat-Apache">

    <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConnector"
     port="8008" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
     enableLookups="true" appBase="webapps"
     acceptCount="10" debug="9"/>

Hope this helps.


Bert Catsburg

Rademacher Tobias wrote:
Hi Folks,

is it possible to configure Tomcat 4.0 to suppress the port into the url
adress (URL rewriting etc)?
If yes who and in which config file?

I need this due to Tomcat should run into a specical security zone and the
firewall maps a specific port
to my tomcat server. Therefore I would like to force Tomat not returing the
Port into the URL's.

Bye & lot's of Thx

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