If this is not an appropriate list to ask design questions, could someone
point me to a more suitable resource?  Perhaps the tomcat-dev list?

Thank you,

-Sasha Borodin

On 7/28/03 11:35, "Sasha Borodin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to get some suggestions for performing "post-authentication" tasks
> while using Container Managed Authentication.
> Craig Berry suggested a filter that checks the session for necessary
> attributes, and creates them if they're missing.  This check would be
> performed on every request however.
> Has anyone implemented a different approach to this problem?  I'd like to
> find a solution in which the extra tasks are performed just ONCE, somehow
> triggered by the container authentication.  Please reference my previous
> post on a filter vs. session attribute listener approach.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> -Sasha Borodin
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