From: Tom Hayden for PDA [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 3:03 PM
Subject: support Rep. Barbara Lee's HR 3699 to cut taxpayer funding for
escalation of Afghan genocidal war


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 <>  Please
sign and circulate the Afghanistan peace petition and subscribe to The Peace
Exchange at And, attend a Brown Bag Lunch Vigil the third
Wednesday of every month.

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A long war demands a long peace movement

Dear Alex,

I want to thank PDA for continuing to pressure against the pillars of power
supporting the Long War in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. You are making
military escalation more difficult and building a political obstacle to the
Pentagon and White House plans through 2012. A long war demands of us a long
peace movement. 

Thirty one Americans lost their lives in Afghanistan last month, which is
more than twice the number killed in January 2008 and January 2009. The
fighting in Afghanistan is intensifying even in the winter. The total number
of Americans killed in Afghanistan as of today is 978, an increase of 317
since President Obama took office. A total of one thousand Americans will be
dead by the end of this month.

The total number of American dead so far in Iraq and Afghanistan is 5,353.
The number of Iraqi and Afghan dead is in the hundreds of thousands. 

The American budgetary cost, according to the economists Joseph Stiglitz and
Linda Bilmes, will be three trillion dollars for Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Pentagon's Long War is projected to last at least fifty years, through
13 future American presidential elections.

These wars will devour resources that could go to health care, education,
humanitarian aid and saving the planet.

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<> We must
stop them, step by step, war by war.

First,  <> support
Rep. Barbara Lee's HR 3699 to cut taxpayer funding for the escalation in
Afghanistan. If it's not possible politically to cut funding now, the fight
can achieve two things: a headcount of how many Congress members are with
us, and a message to President Obama that many in his own party are not with

Second, there will be a fight this year to attach serious conditions to any
funding bill that does pass: for example, [a] holding to a deadline for the
withdrawal of US troops, as proposed by Sen. Russ Feingold, [b] human rights
standards for Afghan detainees, [c] launching all-party peace talks, and [d]
ending Predator attacks which kill civilians, inflame Muslim opinion, and
further the spiral of escalation.

While we should oppose President Obama's troop increase, we also should
support the 2011 deadline he has set for beginning to withdraw. If we don't
demand the beginning of withdrawal-with an endpoint as well-all the pressure
on the president and Congress will be to continue the war indefinitely. We
need to make US withdrawal from Afghanistan an issue by the 2012 national

Iraq is a template for us. When the Iraq war became too costly, a bipartisan
and bi-national agreement was quietly arranged in which US troops would
withdraw in stages by 2011. President Obama is sticking to that schedule
while many in both Iraq and the US are attempting to derail him.

PDA and the peace movement should generate maximum pressure to end both wars
by 2012. We make a crucial difference. If the peace movement doesn't
persevere, the pressure on Congress declines, which in turn causes
Congressional peace forces to decline-which only serves the permanent lobby
for permanent war.

Please sign and circulate the  <>
Afghanistan peace petition and subscribe to The Peace Exchange at And, attend a
<> Brown Bag
Lunch Vigil the third Wednesday of every month.

Thank you for persevering for peace,

Tom Hayden
PDA Advisory Board member


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<> Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC
that works both inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for
peace and justice. Our goal in 2010: Expand progressive influence in
Congress as we build on our 2008 electoral successes. PDA's advisory board
includes seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden,
Medea Benjamin, Thom Hartmann, Jim Hightower, and Lila Garrett.

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