The bandits/thieves from across the river...


Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 8:18 PM
Subject: Israel Wants The Litani River Desperately: Now They Are Stealing
Palestinian Water!

Monday, February 1, 2010 
Israel Wants The Litani River Desperately:  Now They Are Stealing
Palestinian Water!


I have been keeping track in some of my articles of Israel's buildup of
forces in northern Israel along its border with Lebanon closely. Israel has
been looking for any excuse it can for it to launch an attack into southern
Lebanon to secure the waters of the Litani River. It is NO secret, except
over their BS Mainstream media, that Israel is seriously short of fresh
water. These Zionists have created the water shortage situation themselves
by their inability or callousness when it comes to water conservation in a
very dry region. Now they are paying the price for their own ignorance and
are desperately reaching for water resources elsewhere. 


Now according to this new article from, to supplement their
diminished water resources, these Zionist monsters are stealing the water of
the Palestinian people. This is a serious outrage, and should definitely be
passed around to other bloggers! Here is that article:



Israel is stealing Palestinian water

By Nabil Sahli

 <> Image removed by
sender. 1f-palestine_water.jpg

February 1, 2010

Recent reports have highlighted the acute water shortage facing Palestinian
towns and villages in the West Bank and Bethlehem in particular - and noted
that the average Israeli settler consumes six times more water than the
average Palestinian. This is despite the latter's rights to the sources as
the original owner of the land, albeit an owner who is denied access by the
Israeli military occupation. Water use by colonial settlers includes filling
and topping-up their swimming pools as well as garden sprinklers for
immaculate lawns.

Close observers of the settlement process will realise that confiscation of
water sources has always been a priority for the Israeli colonisers. It was
in this context that in a document written in 1941 David Ben Gurion, the
Zionist leader and Israel's first Prime Minister, said that the waters of
the Jordan River and the Litani River [in present-day Lebanon] must be
included in the borders of the future Jewish state for it to survive.

Following the establishment of the state of Israel in May 1948 the
authorities sought to take control of the water resources in Palestine.
Engineers started immediately to implement water projects, the largest and
most important of which was the so called 'national water carrier of
Israel', to transfer water from the Sea of Galilee to the Negev desert,
which constitutes 50% of the area historic Palestine.

Prior to 1948, the discourse of the Zionist movement laid special emphasis
on the importance of water for the survival of a future Zionist state. This
was made clear in the documents released following the first Zionist
Congress chaired in August 1897 by the father of political Zionism, Theodor
Herzl, in Basle, Switzerland. Since 1948, Israeli leaders have delivered
numerous statements stressing the necessity of water to the Zionist project.

Planners and decision-makers in Israel have developed constantly new plans
and policies allowing Israel to maintain control over water resources, both
in Palestine and in neighbouring countries. Accordingly, water has been a
decisive factor in determining the geography of Israel and its expansionist
policies from 1948 to the Six-Day-War of June 5-10 1967, up to the present
day. This in part explains the building of the separation wall, the 'water
wall' as some have called it, which in its twists and turns across the
occupied West bank incorporates most of the major water sources in the area.
Water from these sources - prime Palestinian agricultural land - is diverted
for colonial-settlers' domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes. The
result is that the Palestinians, with a population growth of more than 3.5%
a year, face severe water shortages, leading to a total lack of drinking
water and insufficient water for agriculture, turning once fertile land into
a desert. Thus deprived of their traditional livelihood, there is a real
possibility of this causing the indirect expulsion of thousands of
Palestinians from the West Bank. Such expulsion - "silent transfer" in
Zionist terminology - is ethnic cleansing by any other name.

The water resources of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 are
vitally important for Israel, which is why the authorities have issued
dozens of illegal and unreasonable orders to allow their hegemony over water
resources in the West Bank. A major Israeli military order was issued on 7
June, during the Six-Day War, granting Israel total control of all the water
resources in the soon to be occupied West Bank, transferring ownership to
Israel and its state bodies.

Israeli control has been strengthened by the consistent refusal to issue
permits for Palestinians to drill new wells or deepen and repair existing
dried-up wells. Hence, Israel, the illegal occupier of the land, controls
the water while the land-owners, the Palestinians living under Israeli
occupation, are forbidden to access their own natural resources. Already,
around 60% of Palestinians in the West Bank live in extreme poverty, a
figure that is likely to get worse as the impact of the "water wall" bites
deeper. In the absence of any real Palestinian and Arab plans to the
contrary, Israel's strategy remains one of settlements aiming to take
control of ever more land and water, with the least possible number of
Palestinians to share it with.
As part of this process, Israel says that the digging by the Palestinians of
300 wells in the past few years has a negative effect on settlements'
irrigation projects, increasing, they claim, salinity levels. The knock-on
effect on agricultural productivity has repercussions on the whole Israeli
economy. Yet another reason to maintain Israeli control over water supplies,
regardless of the consequences for the Palestinians.

Post-1967 the area affected by the water crisis has widened, with Israel
having control over the water resources of the Jordan River basin and the
Hasbani River in Jordan, and the Banias stream on Jabal Al-Sheikh (Mount
Hermon) in Syria. This has to be added to the Israelis control of over 81%
of Palestinian water between 1967 and 2009. Studies point out that there is
nearly 750 million cubic metres of water to which Palestinians have full
legal rights, in Gaza and the West Bank. Although Israel is committed by
treaty to divert 80 million cubic metres a year to the Palestinians, it
continues to deny them this right. Israel takes the water which by right
belongs to the Palestinians, then agrees a treaty by which it agrees to give
80m cubic metres of water a year to the Palestinians - who own this in the
first place, remember - but denies them even that fraction of what is
rightfully theirs. This alone makes a mockery of any peace process.

The Palestinians in the West Bank need 150 million cubic metres of water
every year, but only have access to half this amount, despite an increasing
demand due to population growth. It is clear that the water crisis will be
more catastrophic in the Gaza Strip given the high population growth in a
smaller area. The people of Gaza need 120 million cubic metres of water per
year but only consume 45 million cubic metres, that being largely collected
rain water and not from underground water sources. The water policies
adopted by the Israeli authorities have led to the pollution of water
sources because of heavy extraction levels creating a situation in which
sewage has mixed with rain water.

Israel will continue to maintain control of water in the region. It already
consumes 90% of the renewable water resources every year and with the
increasing number of Jewish immigrants to Israel and the corresponding
increase in demand for water, it is estimated that the state will face an
increase in its water deficit expected to reach 1 billion cubic metres a
year. This, in turn, means it will have to consider more options for control
of water resources legally but nominally controlled by the Arab population
in Palestine and beyond.

As a result of Israel's policies, therefore, hunger and thirst for the
Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza is becoming a real
possibility. This comes at a time when Israel continues to flout
international laws and conventions with apparent impunity. It is worth
remembering that unless the Palestinians are able to have full control over
their natural resources it is wrong to speak about a truly independent and
sovereign Palestinian state. Nor can there ever be real peace as long as the
Israelis continue with their colonial settlement plans. The water dimension
has to be given a priority place in the negotiations for peace in the area.
Without it, no state of Palestine worthy of the name will ever exist.


NTS Notes: Water conservation is an alien concept to a non-indigenous people
that have no clue about how to survive in such a dry environment such as
Palestine. The Palestinian people who are the true indigenous people of that
region had learned over the centuries how to conserve water in times of
severe drought. These alien Zionists have had no clue how to follow that
practice, therefore like the parasites they are, they will reach out and
steal that resource from others.


This article shows definitive proof of the upcoming war against Lebanon to
secure the Litani River water resource. It was the ultra Zionist, David Ben
Gurion, that recognized back in 1941 that for the Zionist state to survive,
it needed the waters of the Litani River. Why can't the world see that
Israel's true and real intentions against Lebanon is right there in black
and white? 


Again, it is up to the bloggers to spread the truth around to others.




Posted by NTS





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