[] On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 7:49 PM
Subject: Chilcot should look at 9/11; FBI's fake OBL photos; Activists



After Blair's Testimony, Chilcot Should Ask Questions about 9/11 


BBC Conspiracy files says only Al Qaeda can keep secrets 









It is impossible to keep up with the rapid speed with which 9/11 truth is
penetrating the world in places traditionally suspicious of the US and
Israel: places like Venezuela, Iran and Malaysia and now Russia after recent
major TV programmes there. But even in the neocon heartlands the story is
beginning to wobble. Canadian TV ran a major investigation which in contrast
to the BBC's deplorable Conspiracy Files treated the sceptics and believers
even-handedly. Now Germany has begun to crumble, despite  fierce attempts
from the powerful Israel lobby there to smear truthers as Holocaust deniers.
A major article in Focus Money a branch of Focus, the German equivalent of
Time magazine, presented the sceptics view over 5 pages under the headline
"we don't believe you".

In the US the media embargo on 9/11 has taken hit with ex-Minnesota governor
and now general trouble maker Jesse Ventura dedicating a full episode of his
new TV show to exposing the holes in the official 9/11 myth. Any lingering
hopes that the Obama administration might care to investigate were dashed
when a sinister article emerged written by Obama protege Cass Sunstein, head
of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Sunstein advocates
"cognitive infiltration" of media sympathetic to 9/11 truth. 


Was 9/11 a conspiracy? 'Truthers' make their case
November 26, 2009, The Globe and Mail (One of Toronto's leading newspapers)

Though rarely shown on TV these days ... 9/11 footage is replayed more than
once in " <> The
Unofficial Story" [on the CBC News program the fifth estate]. The
documentary follows up on some fairly startling public-opinion polls of
late. To wit: More than half of all Americans believe the Bush
administration had advance knowledge of 9/11, and did nothing to stop it;
slightly more than one-third of the Canadian population believes likewise.
"The number of people who believe the U.S. government was involved in the
attacks appears to be growing," says fifth estate veteran Bob McKeown, who
helms the report. "Most of them believe there are still questions that have
gone unanswered." Among the group's more prominent proponents is
<> Richard Gage, a
well-regarded architect interviewed by McKeown in the program. Gage is
fervent in his belief that the destruction was intentional, and was not
accomplished with airplanes, but with explosives. Also speaking out for the
Truthers movement is academic and Nobel Peace Prize nominee
<> David Ray Griffin
- who questions the lack of NORAD response after the first plane struck the
tower - and Canadian professor
<> Kee Dewdney, who
insists the fabled on-board struggle between hijackers and passengers on
United Airlines Flight 93 could only be a hoax. "The really interesting
thing to me is that you cannot get these people to speculate," observes
McKeown. "They will say, 'That is not my job.'"

Note: Watch this first-ever North American major media network news
documentary on the 9/11 truth movement by
<> clicking here. And
for what may be the best ever documentary on 9/11 for opening people's eyes,
<> click here. 


Reinvestigate 911 has doubts about the official story of other apparent
terrorist attacks that have followed 9/11, especially since a House of
Commons committee revealed last year that contrary to very clear statements
at the time alleged 7/7 ringleader Mohammed Khan was well known to MI5. The
extraordinary features of the apparent Christmas bomber incident demand a
mention. Who was the well dressed man who helped the bomber onto the plane
without having his passport checked, through gates controlled by the same
Israeli owned security firm that covered the airports used for the 9/11
attacks? Why was a passenger filming the alleged bomber before as well as
after he struck? Could the tiny amount of explosive really have brought the
plane down? Sceptics have also noted that the man's father, who supposedly
tipped off the CIA, was a super rich Nigerian arms dealer and banker with
close links with Israel too, and vast financial interests in Yemen, the new
"War on Terror" target. 

Unaware of the irony, 9/11 Commission chair Kean told CNN that the Christmas
bomber "probably did us a favour" by drawing attention to Yemen as a new
theatre in the war on terror. In this sense 9/11 certainly did a lot of
people in Washington London and Tel Aviv a favour too.


Tony Blair has told the Chilcot Inquiry that 9/11 is the key to everything
in understanding why he invaded Iraq. Reinvestigate 9/11 agrees with this
but calls on Chilcot to examine suspicions, widespread in many countries,
that in some way 911 was an inside job. After a series of devastating leaks
in the US it is no longer possible to claim that the 9/11 Commission
satisfactorily explained how, armed with plastic knives, 19 fanatics,
several known to the CIA, were able to evade arrest, take over and
accurately control large modern jets with considerable skill.

So far Chilcot has failed even to acknowledge the submission sent to his
inquiry by Reinvestigate 911. 

Ian Henshall, co-ordinator of Reinvestigate 911, said: 

"Chilcot has been charged to examine and report on how we went to war over
Iraq and its non-existent WMD. Many will find it ironic or even dishonest if
he now bins our submission and takes the official 9/11 story on trust." 

Chilcot's brief starts in June 2001. This was when, as the 911 Commission
confirmed, the White House was turning a deaf ear to warnings of an imminent
attack within the US. After 9/11 officials deceitfully told the media that
the attacks had been unimaginable and unforeseen.

Reinvestigate 9/11 calls on everyone of goodwill to join our demand for a
real investigation into 9/11 and supports those calling for a public inquiry
into the events of 7/7 in London.There is an accumulation of evidence which
strongly suggests that all is not as it seems with the war on terror. There
are some very odd coincidences and many who should not have done have
benefited from 9/11. For instance we now know that Blair and the neocons
were planning to invade Iraq - not after 9/11, but before. 

Reinvestigate 911 says in the US and UK there has been a worrying lack of
interest from the corporate media in these issues, and has condemned the
BBC's Conspiracy Files programmes on 9/11 as failing in its duty of

When the BBC's Nick Robinson said after the Iraq WMD fiasco: "we are not
investigative reporters" was he speaking for the whole news broadcasting


Our current activities include making funding applications, contacting
musicians and comedians, arranging gigs, publicising Cynthia McKinney's
visit on March 8. If you might be able to help with any of this please reply
and we will send details of the meeting.

BBC Conspiracy files says only Al Qaeda can keep secrets 

Many people no longer believe that bogeyman Osama Bin Laden is still alive,
and this includes senior CIA officials with knowledge of the case. This was
the subject of the BBC's latest Conspiracy Files broadcast on 10 January,
narrated as usual in the severe tones of actress Caroline Katz. It followed
the usual pattern. Some but not all of the reasons for doubting the official
story were rehearsed, followed by a string of "experts" who all said the
same thing: nobody in the CIA can keep anything secret so therefore we
should believe the official story.

But surely the CIA's job is to keep secrets? They managed for instance to
keep the multiple warnings of 9/11 secret in the summer of 2001 when they
could have aborted the attacks. This bizarre argument flatters the conceit
of establishment academics and "investigative" journalists like the
Conspiracy Files team, and helps reassure those viewers who want to be
reassured. It was particularly odd in the case of OBL's reported meetup with
the CIA in Dubai a month before 9/11. Whether or not the meeting took place,
it could hardly be described as a secret after the French media and The
Guardian had reported it. 

Osama Bin Laden on the other hand can keep secrets, we were told. A helpful
CIA man explained that he has successfully kept his location secret because
it's difficult to take a four wheeled drive into the area he is allegedly
hiding. He seemed to have forgotten about mules, satellites, drones and the
multi-million dollar price on OBL's head. Nobody asked why OBL, if he is so
keen to reach his fan base, could not allay the doubts over his very
existence by investing in a decent mobile phone like the one side-kick Ayman
Zawahari uses for his broadcasts. What happened to the multi-billion dollar
empire of "Al Qaeda"?


Image removed by sender. From left: Osama Bin Laden (1998); Photo-fit of
Osama Bin Laden

Soon after the Conspiracy Files came out the FBI helpfully bolstered the OBL
myth by releasing a picture of what he might look like now. Many assumed
that some sort of science had gone into this. How embarrassing when it
emerged that the FBI had cut and pasted their OBL "face" from the internet.
The lucky donor on the right was a Spanish MP. So far as we are aware,
nobody in the US/UK corporate media had noticed anything wrong.


A new analysis by Pilots
1%20web\web\pages\>  for 9/11 Truth seems to imply
that Flight 77 which apparently hit the Pentagon on 9/11 could not have been
taken over by hijackers. The most mysterious of the 9/11 flights became even
more so after the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released the
raw data from the flight recorder in 2006. Now Pilots for 9/11 Truth have
announced that their analysis of the black box data shows that the cockpit
door was not opened and therefore the cockpit could not have been stormed by
hijackers. Others add that they cannot see any flight disturbance that would
have occurred during a struggle which saw two burly ex-military pilots
overpowered or murdered and removed from their seats, which inevitably would
have disengaged the autopilot. In addition the data were cut short a few
moments prior to the supposed impact with the Pentagon but showed the plane
heading over the buildingnot into it. The hijacking was supposedly confirmed
when right wing TV celebrity Barbara Olson reported it to her husband Ted
Olson (a Bush appointee in the Department of Justice) from her mobile phone
on board the plane. Olson vanished after the attacks, presumed dead, but FBI
phone records released in 2005 showed that the calls were never made,
lasting zero seconds. Experts have confirmed that successful mobile calls
are impossible from above 10,000 feet.

There are various possible explanations for these contradictions, none of
them of much use to supporters of the official 9/11 story. If Flight 77
really did hit the Pentagon, then the widely respected NTSB released a
grossly false set of data. Why would Washington see the need to do that? And
why would the corporate media fail to notice? 

One, two, three, four what are we fighting for? Don't ask me I don't give a
damn, the next stop is Vietnam...
If there is one thing that people who were political in the sixties DO
remember it's Country Jo and the Fish with the Vietnam Rag. Now biker Bruce
Arnold has updated the lyrics to cover Afghanistan. The words have been put
to music by punk rocker Johnny Punish in The Magnificant Afghanistan. Bruce
and Jonny have little doubt that the new war is based on a massive lie, much
as Vietnam was based on the "Gulf of Tonkin incident". How many people will
have to die before the establishment section of the "sixties generation"
wakes up? 

Yo, wake up texters, listen in,
Uncle Sam's after more boogeymen;
Dubya left Barack in a terrible jam
Way over in Afghanistan.
So put down your iPhone and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun. 

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for?
Not freedom or our fellow man,
Next stop's Afghanistan;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no need to wonder why,
For peak oil, we're all gonna die. 

Well come on, McChrystal, let's move fast;
Your big chance has come at last.
Gotta kill all those towel heads -
Though Muslims ain't who we should dread.
Our robber barons, they're the ones
Who blew the Towers to kingdom come. 

And it's one, two, three,....

Well, come on Wall Street, don't move slow,
Since 9-1-1, it's go-go-go.
There's plenty good money to be made
Supplying both sides with the tools of the trade.
Just hope if they grab a Pakistani bomb,
They drop it on Dick Cheney's lawn. 

And it's one, two, three,...

Well, come on mothers throughout the land,
Send your child to Afghanistan.
Come on fathers, don't hesitate,
Send 'em off before it's too late.
Be the first one on your block
To have your kid come home in a box. 

And it's one, two, three...


Reinvestigate 9/11 <>          

We will support any new investigation of the 9/11 attacks so long as 
*it is run by uncompromised people with a range of opinion including those
inclined to disbelieve the official 9/11 story,
*it has full legal authority to demand immediate access to any evidence and
any witness it chooses
*it follows the evidence wherever it leads
*it is given all the resources it requires to carry out its investigation

Ian Henshall
one of the co-ordinators of Reinvestigate 911 
author of "9/11 The New Evidence" 
pub Constable (UK) ISBN 978-1-84529-514-1 
In the US the book is titled: "9/11 Revealed: The New Evidence" 
pub Carroll & Graf (US) ISBN-10: 0786720417

Reinvestigate 911 is supported by Coffee Plant (
<> ) suppliers of organic and Fairtrade coffees to
caterers and retail customers. Phone 0208 453 1144 





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