
From: "Eli James" <eli-ja...@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 8:47 AM
Subject: [TWOMIFTG] The Subversion of the House of Judah by Antipater and


The Subversion of the House of Judah by the Edomites, Antipater and Herod



Judgment Day Perspectives Newsletter


The Subversion of the House of Judah by Antipater and Herod. 

(Compiled by Pastor Eli James

 www.anglo-saxonisrael.com <http://www.anglo-saxonisrael.com/> )



Folks, this Newsletter will demonstrate that the origin of the Jewish people
and their religion, Judaism, is no older than 121 BC.  All claims the Jews
to an earlier origin are categorically false; and they are deliberate lies
promoted by the Jews to create the impression that they are the People of
Israel.  This is history's most gargantuan deception.  Judaism and Jewry
originated with the promotion of the Pharisees by the Edomite usurper, Herod
the Great, who had assassinated the last True Judahite King, John Hyrcanus.
This was a COUP by the Edomite usurpers, Antipater and Herod.


The following links give the true history of that time, but virtually all
historians, except Identity historians and theologians, equate the word
'Jew' with 'Judah,' thus perpetuating the myth that the Jews are Judah.
This is a false equation, because the Judahites never called themselves
"Jews."  They called themselves and their nation, "Judah."  The modern word,
'Jew,' actually derives from the Greek word 'Ioudaios,' which means
'Judean.'   The word 'Judean' is NOT a reference to the House, tribe, or
people of Judah, because True Judah always strove to remain a racially
separate and distinct people, apart from the surrounding Canaanite nations.


Deut. 7:1-9 tells us that the True Israelites shall make no covenants with
the Canaanites NOR MAKE MARRIAGES WITH THEM.  Ezra and Nehemiah make exactly
the same statements; but John Hyrcanus violated this law when he conquered
the Canaanite nation of Idumea (Edom) and began circumcising Canaanites and
allowing them to become citizens of the nation of Judah.  Thus, a new nation
was born: the combined nation of Judah and Idumea, now known as JUDEA.  All
major historians and theologians gloss over this history, because the jews
do not want you to know about these factual events.  If Christians knew of
this history, they would realize that hthe Jews are impostors, who have no
Shemitic, Hebvrew, or Israelite ancestry!!!!  Judaism would be exposed as
the TOTAL FRAUD that it really is!!!!


After Herod took complete control of this new nation, he assassinated the
Judahite Sanhedrin and replaced them with his Idumean usurpers.  He then
elevated the Pharisees to the official Judean political priesthood, shoving
the Levitical priesthood into the background.  


With this COUP D'ETAT fully in place, the Pharisees began subverting the
Mosaic Law with their own additions and subtractions, violating Deut. 4:2,
thus creating a new religion: JUDAISM.


Since most historians and theologians ignore this subversion of the House of
Judah, they fail to point out the crucial distinction between Judahites and
Jews.  The Judahites were of the patriarch, Judah, and the Hasmonean Dynasty
was the last pure-blooded family to reign in Judah.  The Jews of that time
were  those EDOMITES who bacame Judeans under John Hyrcanus in 121 BC.  From
that day forward, the Jews have been PRETENDING TO BE JUDAH, when it is
patently obvious that the origin of the Jewish people is Idumea, not Judah.
Keep this historical fact in mind as you read the following articles.  All
references to "Jews" before 121 BC are delibrate falsifications of history.
The Biblical House of Judah is always called "Judah."  They are never called
"Jews," even though the KJV inserts this false word into the OT, as this
misunderstanding is helping to perpetuate the Great Impersonation of Judah
by Jewry.  


Before, 121 BC, the correct term is always JUDAH, never 'Jew.'  After 121
BC, the correct word is "Judean," which is a word which merely signifies a
resident or citizen of Judea.  It is not a reference to one's religion or
ancestry.  Thus, to confuse the word 'Judah' with the word 'Jew' is to play
into the hands of the Talmudic rabbis, who want you to be believe that they
are the descendants of the Judahites, which they are NOT.


So, as you read, keep in mind that any usage of the word 'Jew' before 121 BC
is illegitimate.  It should always be translated "Judah," which is the True
Biblical Tribe.  After 121 BC, the correct translation is 'Judea" or
'Judean."  With this understanidng, you can keep the proper ethnic
differences in mind and begin to understand how the Jews began to
impersonate Judah by falsley claiming to be of Judah and falsely claiming
that their religion is of Moses.  These two falsifications of history and
identity are the basis of the Jewish impersonation of Judah and Israel.


- Pastor Eli James

www.anglo-saxonisrael.com <http://www.anglo-saxonisrael.com/> 




Item #1:  The Hasmonean Dynasty Under Attack




Item #2:  The Hasmoneans violated Yahweh's Segregation Laws when the began
to circumcise non-Israelites




Item #3:  Reference Map




Item #4:  Hyrcanus, Antipater and Herod (This article id an interesting mix
of historical facts and Jewish lies.   The claim that Antipater was a
"faithful Judahite" is absolute rubbish!!! - Eli




Item #5:  The Edomite descendants of  Antipater




Item #6:  The Herodians Who Destroyed the House of Judah




Item #7:  Herod was made King of Judea by Antipater bribing Julius Caesar




Item #8:  Jewish Encyclopedia: Antipater instigates Civil War Between
Aristobulus and Hyrcanus


<http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?letter=A&artid=1598> &artid=1598


Item #9:  Herod the Great, Bloody Idumean Tyrant





Item #10:  Judas Iscariot was a Serpent/Idumean, Bertrand Comparet's


The Bible is NOT a Jewish Book.  Many Identity scholars, including Comparet,
Swift, Rand, and Capt, were undeer the illusion that the returnees from
Babylon began to insinuate Babylonian ideas into the Mosaic Law.  Comparet
repeats this fable in this article.  I have proven conclusively, that this
is just more Jewish deception, so I have included my "The Origin of
Talmudism" right after Comparet's article, as an explanation of the TRUE
origin of the Jewish religion.- Eli




As I explained above, the TRUE ORIGIN of Judaism DOES NOT predate 121 BC.  -




Also, here is William Finck's concise explanation of the true genealogy of
the Jewish people:


A Concise Explanation of the Creation of the Jewish People

The Old Testament accounts found in the Book of Genesis demonstrate that
there was a rivalry between Jacob and Esau.  Esau, it is also clear, was a
race-mixer who had taken wives of the Canaanites and the Ishmaelites
(Genesis 36).  The rivalry between the brothers later turned into a national
enmity among their descendants, and the Edomites were eventually enslaved by
the Israelites (1 Chron. 18), and later revolted (2 Chron. 21).  When the
Chaldaeans finally took Jerusalem and destroyed the city, we find that the
Edomites were in league with them, and are blamed for the temple's
destruction (Psalm 137:7-9; 1 Esdras 4:45 in the Septuagint). 

When the Israelites moved into the land of Canaan, they were instructed to
destroy all of the Canaanite peoples.  They failed to do this, and were
warned that harm would later come to them because of this failure (Num.
33:55; Josh. 23:13; Jdg. 2:3).  It is evident that both in Jerusalem and
elsewhere, the later Israelites did indeed have a problem with infiltration
and race-mixing by the Canaanite tribes (Jer. 2:13, 21-22; Ezek. 16:3, 45 et
al.).  This was one of the chief reasons for their chastisement and removal.

The prophecy found in Ezekiel chapters 35 and 36 discuss the fact that the
Edomites had moved into the lands of Israel and Judah after the removal of
the Israelites by the Assyrians and Chaldaeans (cf. Ezek. 35:10).  The theme
of the prophecy found in Malachi chapters 1 and 2 is that Jacob is
distinguished from Esau, and that the sacrifices of the priests are not
acceptable, because the covenant is with Levi.  With this Malachi fully
infers that there were (or that there would be) priests who should not have
held the office.   

In the Biblical records after the Assyrian and Chaldaean deportations of the
Israelites, concerning the return of merely 42,000 or so Israelites to
Jerusalem we have only the books of Ezra and Nehemiah and a few of the Minor
Prophets.  These books are focused upon the activities in Jerusalem over a
short period of time, and concerning the rest of the country, or concerning
the time from approximately 455 to 3 BC, in the Bible we have nothing.  It
is evident, in Ezra and Nehemiah, that these returning Judaeans did struggle
to maintain their race and keep themselves separate from the Canaanites and
Edomites in the neighboring districts.  Yet this attitude did not prevail,
and with the works of the first-century Judaean historian Flavius Josephus
and the apocryphal 1 Maccabees along with secular sources we can fill in
some of the historical gaps between the testaments.  

>From Greek and Roman records, we can see that from the Hellenistic period
all of the southern portions of the land once known as Judah and Israel were
called Idumaea, after the Edomites. Strabo, the early first century  Greek
geographer, attests that the Idumaeans were "mixed up" with the Judaeans,
and that they "shared in the same customs with them" (Book 16). From
Josephus it can be determined that shortly before 130 BC, the reigning
Maccabean high priest (who had all the authority of a king), John Hyrcanus,
decided to conquer all of the surrounding cities of ancient Israel inhabited
at that time by Edomites and Canaanites, and to either convert them to the
religion of Judaea (first called "Judaism" by the Greeks) or to let them
leave the land, or to be slain. (Maccabee was a name given to the Asamonean
dynasty of high priests who ruled Jerusalem from about 150 BC down to about
36 BC, when the last of them was slain by Herod.) Josephus states that from
this point these Edomites became "none other than Judaeans" (Antiquities,
13.9.1 et al.).    Therefore we see with certainty the fulfillment of
Ezekiel 35. 

Judaea from 130 BC forward was a multiracial polyglot of a nation.  The
first Herod, an Idumaean by race who usurped power from the Maccabees,
bribed the Romans for the kingship and from that time the temple priesthood
at Jerusalem was used as a political tool. Both Josephus and the
ecclesiastical historian Eusebius admit that many of the priests were not
worthy of the distinction under the former Levitical traditions, and the
veracity of Malachi's prophecy becomes quite clear with their testimony.
The usurpation of political control in Jerusalem is the primary reason for
all of the division recorded in the New Testament.  In Romans 16:30 and 2
Thessalonians, Paul alludes to the temple priesthood as "satan" (which means
"the adversary"), and this is also attested to in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.
Yahshua Christ informs the priests and other leaders in many places that
they are the children of the adversary, i.e. Luke 11:47-51, John 8:33-47 and
John 10:26.  In Romans chapter 9, Paul makes a clear distinction between
Israelites of Judaea and the Edomites of Judaea, calling the one "vessels of
mercy" and the other "vessels of destruction".  It can be shown from the New
Testament that many of the Israelites converted to Christianity during the
ensuing years, losing their identity as Judaeans.   The Edomites never did,
clinging to their traditions found in the Talmud - which has absolutely no
authentic connection to the ancient Hebrew religion.  Today these people,
and all of their many proselytes and those whom they have intermarried with,
are known as Jews.  

William Finck 

 <http://christogenea.org/> Christogenea.org






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