From: Adam Quinn, CREDO Action [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:41 PM
Subject: 1,500 bank lobbyists are killing consumer protections



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Your message to your Senators: 

"I support a Consumer Financial Protection Agency that promotes
accountability, responsibility, and effective oversight. 

It's time for Democrats to stand up. Democrats on the Senate Banking
committee need to know it is unacceptable to allow big bank CEOs and their
lobbyists to kill consumer protection. " 

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Big <>  Bank
CEOs and their lobbyists are killing consumer protection 

Dear Alex, 

We have two weeks to stop Democrats from selling out bank reform and
convince them instead to stand up for consumer protection. That is when
Senate Banking Committee Chair Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) will be meeting with
the ranking Republican on the committee, Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), to
decide the fate of financial regulatory reform legislation. 

Your <>
action today will help save consumer protection. Automatically add your name

Few dispute the fact that greedy big bank CEOs and their 1,500 lobbyists
bought policies in Washington over the last 10 years that have led to the
economic crash. Asking politicians and their appointees to the Federal
Reserve Board to protect consumers is like asking the fox to guard the hen

We all know too well how that works out and we can't let it happen again. 

A proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency that promotes
accountability, responsibility, and effective oversight will take the power
away from the Wall Street-friendly Federal Reserve Board and put it into the
hands of an independent agency. But it is removed in backroom deals because
big bank lobbyists are using their usual scare tactics. 

It's <>
time for Democrats to stand up. Democrats on the Senate Banking committee
need to hear it is unacceptable to allow big bank CEOs and their lobbyists
to kill consumer protection. Click here to automatically add your name. 

Big banks took billions in taxpayer money from the bailout, and then their
CEOs handed out big bonuses to themselves while homes were lost, jobs were
destroyed, and small businesses closed. Washington has rewarded the big bank
CEOs for their incompetency time and time again. This time, let's get it

We must create an independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency that will
crack down on exorbitant fees and deceptive practices of credit card
companies, mortgage brokers, and others who prey on hard-working Americans. 

When Sen. Chris Dodd meets with Sen. Richard Shelby in two weeks, he needs
to know that Democrats on his committee won't deal away the power to
regulate banks to the people who got us into this mess in the first place.
<> We need
to shift the power away from big bank CEOs and back to consumers. Take
action today. 

Your pressure works. Thanks for taking action. 

Adam Quinn 
Campaign <>
Manager, CREDO Action 


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