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From: Physicians for Social Responsibility [mailto:psrn...@psr.org] 
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 1:23 AM
To: alexjamesne...@gmail.com
Subject: Urgent Vote Coming - Tell Congress to Defend the Clean Air Act


If you are unable to view the message below, please
<http://action.psr.org/site/R?i=YjZqnDCwps6ea52-VbImwQ..> click here

<http://action.psr.org/site/R?i=GHlX_5nq1XBRnc33xeQd9g..> Image removed by
sender. Physicians for Social Responsibility

Dear Alex,

The Clean Air Act, our only regulatory tool to cut carbon emissions and
prevent catastrophic climate change, is under attack.  Over the past 40
years the Clean Air Act has been critically important, limiting dangerous
air pollutants and saving countless lives.  To protect our nation's health,
we need your help!

Recently I contacted you about Senator Murkowski's plan to block the EPA
from controlling global warming pollution.  Now the situation has worsened.
In a surprise move, Senator Murkowski introduced a "joint resolution of
disapproval" rejecting the EPA's scientific finding that carbon dioxide and
other global warming pollutants threaten human health and the environment.
Her joint resolution enables Congress to veto federal agency rules using
special, expedited procedures. If passed, it would derail current and future
EPA actions to control carbon pollution from all sources, including motor
vehicles and large emitters such as coal-fired power plants.

Meanwhile, members in the House are racing to introduce bills that would
exclude greenhouse gases from regulation as pollutants under the Clean Air

These combined efforts would remove the teeth from the one federal agency
that is mandated to protect our health from air pollutants.

Your senators and representatives must hear from you. The oil and coal
industries are lobbying heavily to maintain their ability to burn
carbon-heavy fuels without regulation.  We have to stand up against their
efforts and protect the EPA. Please email and call your senators and
representatives today and urge them to defend the Clean Air Act.

Take Action

Click <http://action.psr.org/site/R?i=-1oL-COQzhCVw9fXEIIVrA..>  here to 
email your senators

Click <http://action.psr.org/site/R?i=Rhr_rY9YuP4Iqn2iitJwUw..>  here to 
email your representative



Image removed by sender.
Peter Wilk, MD
Executive Director

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friend |  <http://action.psr.org/site/R?i=Mvaen_UAP_emu_-OOgCz4A..> Visit us

Physicians For Social Responsibility
1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1012 Washington, DC, 20009
t 202.667.4260 | f 202.667.4201


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