

Satanists in the US Military--- Letter from Lisa 

January 11, 2010 

<http://www.henrymakow.com/australian_satanist_exposes_wo.html>  Narsagonan"
aka "Frater 616" 


Hello Henry:

 Attached is a photo of Gen. Franks and Bush taken sometime shortly after

 I have kept it all these years as a grim reminder of the shock upon seeing
it for the first time.  Franks is using the Satan hand sign and one wonders
who these two are addressing.  At the time, I sent the photo to just about
everyone on my email list and no one believed it meant anything.  One friend
even suggested it must be a military hand sign!  It was devastating to
acknowledge that people did not even believe their own eyes or shrugged it
off as unimportant.

Since that time many other instances of the Satan hand sign have occurred
and amazingly so after the second Bush inauguration.  People in Europe were
astonished but the media told them it was a sign for Texas University - hook
em horns.  Again, no one believed there own eyes or gut.  How can the public
be so easily deceived?

This public demonstration of these people's allegiance to Satan does not
seem to bother anyone.  Yet every time that I have questioned my own sanity
because of my belief that the real war is being waged from a different
headquarters so to speak, I take out this picture and look at it.  My eyes
do not deceive me.

 I read your article about the dying
<http://www.henrymakow.com/australian_satanist_exposes_wo.html>  revelations
of Petor Narsagonan and his statement that many high ranking military men
are involved in these groups.  I thought I would send you this photo,
although you may have already seen it.

In any case, there is no doubt that the world is in the grip of very
spiritually dark individuals.  Everything seems affected on some level by
this poisonous influence and yet people seem completely oblivious to what is
taking place.  If you mention the satanic concept, people assume you are a
religious whacko.  The proof is everywhere around us and in particular, the
widespread degradation of the human being is prolific.  The lack of
aspiration to a higher plane of life is profound.  The highest achievement
now appears to be the lowest and most depraved fulfillment of carnal
appetite.  One wonders if eventually there will be no satisfaction for the
degraded; having devoured the very soul all that will be left is

 It is normal to accept human nature along with the desires that manifest
naturally within every person.  The difference is that there must also be
beauty of spirit in our acts.  You can weep with compassion for the young
lovers Romeo and Juliet and the cruel world that denied them their love. Yet
today one should feel revolted by the people who have lowered themselves to
deviant behavior.  There must be freedom of expression but there are also
boundaries that one should not cross, simply because it divides the spirit
from the body.  For many of those partaking in this self-destructive
behavior there will be no going back.  Loss of humanity and respect will
create even more ugliness ending in chaos for those involved.  

 The participants are caught in a drug and media induced frenzy that is not
going to end well.  Humanity is caught in a web of mind control that is so
pervasive they do not even believe what their own eyes see.  It is
frightening because the situation is so all encompassing that even the
future seems to be within the grip of darkness.  

 What can a person do to combat this unless there is acknowledgement of what
is happening.  When I show this photo to my husband he acknowledges that
Franks is saluting Satan.  He does not feel any horror about it but states
that these people must be toppled from their positions of power.  A
reasonable person would agree, but tell me --how do we do this?

I appreciate your articles and hope that more and more people will be
enlightened by them. 

The real fear is that time is running out.  Take care and good wishes to



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