From: US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:22 PM
Subject: Take Action: Stop Settlement Profiteers! example, Ahava stolen
beauty products



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Stolen Beauty
January 14 , 2010

Dear Alex,

Israeli cosmetics company Ahava promises "beauty secrets from the Dead Sea,"
but its biggest secret is that it operates in two of Israel's illegal
settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.  That is why US Campaign
member group CODEPINK started the Stolen Beauty boycott campaign against
Ahava.  At our National Organizers' Conference last September, our member
groups voted to endorse Stolen Beauty, and now we're pleased to launch our
WAED7nZAwnmwathn>  action kit! 

The Stolen Beauty campaign has already achieved some impressive victories,
such as getting Oxfam to end its relationship with former Ahava
H3ZAwnmwathn>  spokeswoman Kristin Davis and securing a promise from
national discount chain Costco that it will
D%2Bq4m1OgsAyz>  no longer restock Ahava products. 

Why Ahava

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Ahava's manufacturing facility and visitors' center are both located in the
illegal Israeli settlement of Mitzpe Shalem. The Fourth Geneva Convention
prohibits an occupying power from transferring its civilian population into
occupied territory.  Ahava should not be sanctioning these settlements by
building factories in them!

The mud and minerals that Ahava claims are its "beauty secrets from the Dead
Sea" are actually excavated from the shores of the Dead Sea at the illegal
Israeli settlement of Kalya. The Fourth Geneva Convention forbids an
occupying power from exploiting resources from occupied territory.  Ahava
needs to stop stealing Palestinian resources! 

Additionally, 44% of Ahava's stock is collectively owned by the settlements
of Mitzpe Shalem and Kalya.  Because of this, Ahava sales mean a direct
financial benefit for illegal Israeli settlements.  Ahava cannot allow its
profits to support illegal settlements!

Join us in increasing the pressure on Ahava to move its facilities out of
occupied territory and to stop funding Israel's illegal settlements!  Sign
up to be a Stolen Beauty organizer in your community and get our Ahava
action kit by clicking here
8HZAwnmwathn>  or just check out our new resources by clicking here
KHZAwnmwathn> .

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bOq4m1OgsAyz>   Click here to sign our pledge to boycott Ahava


%2B%2Bq4m1OgsAyz>   Click here to order a Stolen Beauty campaign kit

4TTeq4m1OgsAyz> Click here to check out our new Stolen Beauty campaign

Support Our Work:
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Join the Olive 
Branch Club:
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Follow us on:
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6uq4m1OgsAyz> ABOUT |
xeq4m1OgsAyz> TAKE ACTION |
Iuq4m1OgsAyz> STORE |
zeq4m1OgsAyz> DONATE |
kuq4m1OgsAyz> RESOURCES |
DXEl4%2Bq4m1OgsAyz> MEDIA |
G%2Bq4m1OgsAyz> SUBSCRIBE | 

202-332-0994 |  <> |


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