Subject: Birthright line, Scriptures? ''Jew is NOT THE SAME THING AS a


There IS a difference between a jew living in Judea, and an Israelite of the
House of Judah (Judahite) living in ancient Judaea.


indicative of Edomite JOOZ living in Judea!  JUDAS IN GREEK, REFER TO
JOOZ!!!  >>>


The following analysis has been read by many, and so far not a single person
has disputed any part of it: 


Yashua/Jesus/Issa HATED the jews, just as much as the jews of His time HATED
Him, just as much as they HATE Him today, just as much as His Father HATES
their patriarch Esau.


To claim that Jesus IS a jew is to claim that Jesus HATES HIMSELF.


The word 'birthright' comes from the Hebrew word #1062 (bekorah), meaning
"firstling, primogeniture."  It means the right of inheritance through one's
offspring.  Since Judah was the elder of Joseph, Judah stood to gain BOTH
the sceptre and the birthright.  But the birthright was taken away from
Judah because of his sin.  Joseph got a double portion of the birthright
because Jacob adopted his  Two Sons: Ephraim and Manasseh.  


Primogeniture means the right of the eldest son to inherit the estate of the
father.  It implies the right to rule over one's own offspring; but this
does not include the right to rule over any of the other tribes.  That right
was never taken away from Judah.  Indeed, the history of Judah's descendants
proves, conclusively, that Pharez and Zarah ruled over many Israelite
nations, including Parthia, Troy, Rome, Greece, Spain, France, Germany,
Denmark, Austria, Ireland, Scotland, Englnad, Sweden, Norway, etc., etc.
Yes, Ephraim became the ruling tribe over the House of Israel but never over
the House of Judah.  Also the whole House of Ephraim was divorced by Yahweh,
as the Ephraimite temples at Samaria, Dan, and Gerizzim were all dedicated
to Baal, not to Yahweh.   Yahshua did not come through Baal-worshippers, who
never purged their own house of race-mixers, as the House of Judah did under
Ezra and Nehemiah.  That's why Yahweh drove the House of Ephraim into the
wilderness (where there were no non-Whites to mix with), because they
refused to stop their Baal-worship and their race-mixing.  This is the evil
House which you follow.  You need to take these facts into consideration
before you assume that Joseph had any birthright authority over Yahshua.  He
did not.


Since Jesus died childless, there is no way that the physical birthright (of
either Joseph or Judah) could pass through him. Now, you have to have
descendants in order for the birthright to pass through you.  Since you do
not understand the meanings of the words 'sceptre" and "birthright," you
keep making silly statements that deny the Bible. You need to start using a
Concordance so that you can speak intelligently about these things.


In addition, it is incumbent upon to you do demonstrate the genealogical
flow from Ephraim to Yahshua.   You keep on insisting that Jesus came
through Joseph.  Show us the genealogical chart, if you can produce one;
and, while you're at it, you have to prove that Matthew and Luke are wrong
in providing the Judahite descent of both Mary and Joseph.  Your statements
lack any kind of evidence.  


Understand that Jew is NOT THE SAME THING AS a Judahite.  The former is a
reference to those who practice Babylonian Talmudism/Judaism.  The latter is
a reference to the PUREBREDS of the House of Judah, who practiced the laws
of Moses.  Tamar was a pure-blooded Shemite.  


This is the essence of the JST argument:  1.) JST denies the accuracy of the
Scriptures with regard to the genealogical descent of Jesus from Judah.
2.)  JST asserts the genealogy of Jesus through Joseph, without ANY evidence
whatsoever.  You keep coming up with more and more baseless speculations.  









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