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economy, business, media, elections, justice, charity, etc., and are used to
trick the public into hatred & wars and out of their lives, money and
freedoms, while the propaganda we are subjected to makes us believe that we
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From: Mike Benoit [mailto:mblibertari...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 1:26 AM
Subject: Promoting the Libertarian Party




 <http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/423/0/> Image removed by sender.
Libertarian Party

February 8, 2010

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Last week we offered a great deal on bumper stickers. As of 11:00 this
morning, over 300 people have responded and ordered 30,458 stickers!


The offer expires this Thursday, February 11, so I'm repeating the original
message below for your benefit. I hope you'll go order 100 or 1,000 bumper
stickers right away!

On a separate note, I had the honor last week of appearing on FOX's Freedom
Watch hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano. The segment was entitled "Are You a
Libertarian?" You can view the video
<http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/523/0/>  here.


For one week only, you can get Libertarian bumper stickers like the one
below: up to 10 stickers per dollar you donate! (Minimum $10 donation
required.) This offer expires on Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 11:59 p.m.
Pacific Time.

 <http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/522/0/> Image removed by sender.

On Monday, I wrote how some marketing experts estimate putting a bumper
sticker on your car can be worth over $200 in advertising.

I'm ordering some bumper stickers for Headquarters use, and since I'm
ordering in bulk, I hope to add thousands more to this order and get them
into your hands ASAP!

I want to send piles of inexpensive stickers to activists like you to give
away at your state and local meetings. I've also found that people enjoy
getting free stickers at rallies and protests. Just walk around and ask
people if they'd like a free Libertarian sticker. If they take one, you can
ask them if they'd like to get on your mailing list, or encourage them to
join the Libertarian Party at www.LP.org, just like it says right there on
the sticker.

Again, you can get up to 10 stickers per dollar you donate, but you don't
have to ask for that many. I hope many of you will order less (or donate
extra), so we can use the extra money to help cover the cost of packing and
shipping all these stickers around the country.

So, if you donate $200, you can get up to 2,000 stickers, but you may
actually want fewer, such as only 100 stickers (or even just 1 sticker).
Please type "stickers" and specify the quantity you want in the Comment box
at the bottom of the membership
<http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/465/0/>  or contribution
<http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/472/0/>  page. If you don't clearly
specify a quantity, I'll only ship one sticker per dollar. Allow 3-4 weeks
for delivery. If you don't type "stickers" or clearly indicate that you want
stickers, then I won't ship any stickers.

Also put your shipping address in the Comment box if it's different from the
address you entered above.

Example 1:

Comment (optional):
stickers 100

Example 2:

Comment (optional):
stickers 250
ship to:
100 Main St
Los Angeles, CA 90101

Thanks for helping to advertise the Libertarian Party by donating and
getting up <http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/472/0/>  to 10 stickers per
dollar. (Minimum $10 donation required.)

Don't delay! Donate <http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/472/0/>  and order
your stickers today!

Image removed by sender.
Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

P.S. If you have not yet become a member of the Libertarian Party and wish
to do so, please click <http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/465/0/>  here
and join the only political party dedicated to free markets and civil
liberties. If you need to renew, please click here
<http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/465/0/> . If you would like to make a
contribution separate from membership, please click here
<http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/472/0/> .

 <http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/472/0/> Image removed by sender.


 <http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/307/0/> Image removed by sender.
<http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/520/0/> Image removed by sender.
<http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/309/0/> Image removed by sender.
<http://announce.lp.org/t/23874/77095/310/0/> Image removed by sender.


Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. 




Image removed by sender.







*** exposing the hidden truth for further educational research only ***
CAVEAT LECTOR *** In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this
material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and educational
purposes. NOTE: Some links may require cut and paste into your Internet
Browser. Please check for daily real news posts and support the truth!
(sorry but don't have time to email all posts) at
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http://groups.google.com/group/total_truth_sciences/topics?gvc=2  ; You can
also subscribe to the multiple daily emails by sending  an email to
total_truth_sciences-subscr...@googlegroups.com ; free book download:
<http://www.lulu.com/content/165077> http://www.lulu.com/content/165077  ***
Revealing the hidden Truth For Educational & Further Research Purposes only.
***  NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency (NSA) may have read emails without warning, warrant, or notice. They
may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no
recourse, nor protection.......... IF anyone other than the addressee of
this e-mail is reading it, you are in violation of the 1st & 4th Amendments
to the Constitution of the United States. Patriot Act 5 & H.R. 1955
Disclaimer Notice: This post & all my past & future posts represent parody &
satire & are all intended for entertainment and amusement only. To be
removed from the weekly list, please reply with the subject line "REMOVE"


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