Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 8:36 PM
Subject: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's True Colors Revealed:
Zionist Globalist Shill!

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's True Colors Revealed:  Zionist
Globalist Shill!


Living in Canada, I have been watching closely as our neighbour to our
south, the United States of America, has rapidly fallen into destitute and
where its own government is teetering on the verge of collapse, or martial
law. There has always been some solace in the idea that our Canadian
political system is more robust and that our leadership is not under the
Zionist yoke. 


However, the following article that I found through and from
the website: reveals the truth about Canada's
Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, and how he is nothing more than a Zionist
shill bent on the destruction of freedom and democracy and a shill bent on
the instalment of his Zionist masters' "New World Order" and one world
government. Here is that article, with my comments to follow:


Enlightened Sovereignty

Canadian Prime Minister Delivers Global Governance Plan

By Dr. Charles McVety Tuesday, February 9, 2010 

During the January 2010 World Economic Summit in Davos Switzerland Prime
Minister Stephen Harper, the current Chairman of the G-20, presented the
upcoming agenda for the G-20 and G-8 meetings to be held in Ontario in June.
Many were shocked to hear this Conservative leader declare that "we also
know markets need governance. For the new global economy, the G-20 is what
we have." Harper went on to speak as an avowed Keynesian committed to a one
world global economy, creating a world "we have been trying to build since

He went on to warn the world that national self interest sovereignty must be
opposed to stave off a greater crisis than the current recession. For the
next several months leading up to and including the G-20 meetings, Stephen
Harper will be attempting to convince the world to find global unity of
purpose and adopt what he calls "Enlightened Sovereignty".

As Chairman, Harper reviewed the progress of the G-20 establishing
unprecedented cooperation at their first meeting in Washington, November
2008 and then establishing the necessary institutions in London, April 2009.
It was at these meetings where the leaders of 90% of the world's economy
agreed to walk in lock step to combat the global stock market crash. British
Prime Minister Gordon Brown declared that the one world system was now in
place but needed governance. In London the Financial Stability Board was
established with the stated objective "overseeing and regulating all
systemically important financial institutions" around the world. Harper
added "We established what we christened the Framework" and that "National
systems should be subject to international review."

This now apparently homogenous group of leaders, acting in harmony and
unison is described as "true Keynesians" by the Prime Minister. John Maynard
Keynes' 1940's macroeconomic strategy is the path the G-20 chose as all
twenty governments are implementing his theory of massive deficit spending
to jumpstart the economy. The result is unprecedented national debt that
threatens to cripple our future and even destroy capitalism. Keynes was well
known for agreeing with Vladimir Lenin on how to bring down free market
based societies. Keynes wrote "Lenin is said to have declared that the best
way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a
continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and
unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. There is no
subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to
debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic
law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in
a million is able to diagnose." As our debt spirals out of control our
leaders could be leading us down the path of destruction.

John Maynard Keynes was of dubious character in many ways. He was horribly
racist and anti-Semitic. As a Nazi sympathiser, he shared Hitler's view of
eugenics as the Director of the British Eugenics Society. Keynes made many
vulgar slurs using the N-word to describe African-Americans and striking out
a Jewish people stating that "[Jews] have in them deep-rooted instincts that
are antagonistic and therefore repulsive to the European". Keynes was also
well-known for living a promiscuous lifestyle having sex with both men and

Massive government infusion the markets by borrowing trillions of dollars
and inserting it into the economy

Keynes' world views were equally troubling. After the stock market crash of
1929 the world searched for answers to resolve the apparent failings of the
capitalist system. Some turned to Communism, others like Hitler turned to
Socialism. On the surface Keynesian theory allowed for continued capitalism
with periodic massive government infusion the markets by borrowing trillions
of dollars and inserting it into the economy. In 1944 this theory was
implemented at the Bretton Woods New Hampshire, Conference as Western
leaders met to establish the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Also on the table was Keynes' one world currency he called the Bancor.
Recently China's economic leader Zhou Xiaochuan has asked the world to
revisit implementation of the Bancor.

What is most surprising about Prime Minister Harper's statements and actions
is the fact that he has been a life long opponent of Keynesian economics.
Harper used to be well known for opposing deficit spending and he wrote his
Master's thesis against political manipulation of the economy. Somehow he
had an epiphany on the Road to Damascus and has been converted to Keynes'
global economic system. He promptly scrapped his balanced budget and
replaced it with a massive deficit spending plan. In Harper's speech he
explains "If I may be indulged in a personal recollection, what I saw at the
Washington Summit made a huge impression upon me. Nations whose interests
have been often at odds, nations with different traditions of governance -
rivals, even former enemies - found themselves addressing common problems
with a common will. In this globalized economy, they recognized that a flood
engulfing one would soon swamp them all. So, even though these twenty-some
leaders all represented sovereign states, they agreed to common,
synchronized actions to chart the same course toward calmer waters."

With Harper's new found enlightenment he went on to describe this new
"global economy" with hope saying "But ladies and gentlemen, in that brief
parting of the veil, I saw world leadership at its best, a glimpse of a
hopeful future - one where we act together for the good of all. The world we
have been trying to build since 1945. The world we want for our children and
grandchildren. It can be done if we act together."

With new globalist vigour the G-20 Chairman announced that his task this
year is to fight against national sovereignty amongst the twenty nations. He
first warned of the perils that would follow if sovereignty was exercised.
No one wants to see another massive economic crash described as a double
dipped recession or even worse a recession. Harper admonished all stating
that "In fact, if inadequate regulation is not addressed, I believe the
consequences could actually be worse than before this crisis."

With a heavy hand raised the Chairman then laid out his strategy for this
year. "So, when the G-20 resumes in Toronto, the discussion should be less
about new agreements than accountability for existing ones. Less about lofty
promises than real results. Less about narrow self-interest in sovereignty's
name, than an expanded view of mutual-interest in which there is room for
all to grow and prosper. Enlightened sovereignty, then, the natural
extension of enlightened self-interest. . This is 'enlightened sovereignty.'

With national sovereignty dead, the world can move forward together. Harper
uses the words of former U.S. Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, the driving
force in the creation of the United Nations, who stated 'to be sure, no
piece of social machinery, however well-constructed, can be effective unless
there is back of it a will and a determination to make it work.' The global
economic "social machinery" is now in place. All that needs to be done is to
develop a world-wide will to subject ourselves to them. Harper went on to
appeal "We must find that unity of purpose.. We must bring a sense of shared
responsibility.. To be succinct, the real test of the G-20 going forward, is
that it develops and sustains among its members a sense of shared
responsibility towards the global economy."

All of these wonderful words of cooperation, shared responsibility, common
purpose for the good of mankind, sound so beautiful but eerily familiar.
These are the ideals of Communism, Socialism, Marxism and other failed
systems of government. In fact Harper spoke well of Communism in his speech
saying "Keynesianism is a bit like Communism: according to those who
advocate it, neither has been properly attempted." History warns us not to
repeat the errors of our past. Prime Minister Stephen Harper may have good
intentions with the "proper" implementation of a Keynesian global economic
system promising that we will "chart new beginnings for humanity worldwide"
but my fear is that the destruction of national sovereignty and global
economic governance will lead to even worse ends than the numerous attempts
to implement Communism.


NTS Notes: This should be a wake up call to all Canadians. Canadians have
been duped into electing this Zio-poodle, and he is finally showing his true
colors, definitely!


It seems that while I have been focusing on the failure of the American
political system and how its politicians bow to their Zionist masters, I
have badly missed out the fact that Canada's elected Members of Parliament
are absolutely no better, and are just as controlled as the Americans. Never


I hope that this article gets out to as many Canadian readers as possible,
because it definitely reveals Stephen Harper's true colors: A Zionist
Globalist Shill!


Posted by NTS





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