-----Original Message-----
From: Sorcha Faal [mailto:sorchaf...@fastmail.fm] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:09 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Debt to GDP Ration: Economic Armageddon Nears As Australian "Debt
Bomb" Set To Explode

[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website location at
http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1335.htm as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]

February 10, 2010

Economic Armageddon Nears As Australian "Debt Bomb" Set To Explode

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers 

A grim report prepared by the Deputy Prime-Minister of the Government of
the Russian Federation, and current Finance Minister, Alexei Kudrin, for
President Medvedev is warning today that the Global banking system is
nearing an "Economic Armageddon" as the Australian governments "debt
bomb" is "set to explode" and plunge our World into a depression "no one
living has ever seen the likes of".

Important to note about Australia's debt, this report says, is that even
though its debt-to-GDP ratio of 13.9% is less than those of its Western
counterparts (US: 97.5%, UK: 72.7%, Germany: 86.6%, France: 80.3%,
Italy: 121.1%, and the shocking Japan ratio of 227.4%) [Note: Russia's
debt-to-GDP ratio is 7.0%] it is now unable to continue propping up a
Global financial system already teetering on brink of collapse.

Debt-To-GDP Ratio: This measure gives an idea of the ability of a
country to make future payments on its debt. If a country were unable to
pay its debt, it would default, which could cause a panic in the
domestic and international markets. The higher the debt-to-GDP ratio,
the less likely the country will pay its debt back, and the higher its
risk of default.

To how grave this situation has become was evidenced this past week when
the leaders of nearly all the World's central banks converged upon
Australia for what this report says was to "write the final epitaph" for
the current Global Banking System. Of this most extraordinary meeting we
can further read as reported by Australia's Herald Sun News Service:

"THE world's top central bankers began arriving in Australia for
high-level talks as renewed fears about the strength of the global
economic recovery gripped world share markets. 

Representatives from 24 central banks and monetary authorities,
including the US Federal Reserve and European Central Bank, landed in
Sydney to meet tomorrow at an undisclosed location.

Organised by the Bank for International Settlements last year, the
two-day talks are shrouded in secrecy with extensive security believed
to have been invoked by law enforcement agencies.

The event will be dominated by Asian delegations and is expected to
include governors of the People's Bank of China, the Bank of Japan and
the Reserve Bank of India."

Important to note about this imminent Global banking collapse the
World's Central Banks are frantically attempting to stave off is how
insidiously the Australian government has followed the path of the
United States in ending the protection of its own citizens by removing
the guarantee it had put in place to protect their money when this
economic crisis first hit.

Even worse for the Australian peoples is their countries largest lender,
Commonwealth Bank, likewise following their American counterparts and
reporting record profits essentially made from the wholesale theft of
their witless depositors.  

Though Australia's conservative opposition finance spokesman, Barnaby
Joyce, had attempted to warn his fellow Australians of the collapse of
their banking system, his warnings were quickly countered by Prime
Minister Rudd, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News

"Australia's government on Tuesday rejected election-year charges by the
opposition that the country was close to default on national debt,
charging its controversial finance spokesman with threatening its
sovereign rating.

"Investors around the world don't find these remarks amusing. They take
them seriously," a furious Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told parliament.
"It is the height of risk to Australia's global economic reputation."

This report, however, states that not only is Australia's "economic
reputation" "fully corrupted", so is the entire European Union's where
its Member Nations of Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland are all warned
are nearing default on their National debts too, and which with US banks
having a reported $176 Billion exposure in their EU countries will
accelerate the economic collapse of the United States.

[Note: In an example of how chilling it has become in the United States
to even mention these things it is now being reported that citizens
there now face up to 10-years in jail for even thinking against going
against their government "masters"] 

Interesting to note about all of these events is that the influential
American newspaper Wall Street Journal is now warning its readers how to
protect themselves from this "Global-Debt-Bomb Explosion", and as we can

"Wake up investors. Are you prepared for the economic anarchy coming
after a global-debt time bomb explodes? Are you thinking outside the
box? Investing differently? Act now -- tomorrow will be too late. 

Start by looking past the endless cable skirmishes between Rush, Glenn,
Bill and Shawn versus Harry, Nancy, Ben and Barack. Look way past the
insurgency bonding Sarah and her diehard Tea Party revolutionaries with
Ron Paul's Neo-Reaganite ideologues, Fat-Cat Bankers and the Party of
No, all planning a massive frontal assault on the 2010 elections,
hell-bent on destroying the presidency. All that's the sideshow.

The Big One is coming soon, bigger than the 2000 dot-com crash and the
2008 subprime credit meltdown combined. A huge market blowout. And as
Bloomberg-BusinessWeek predicts: "The results won't be pretty for
investors or elected officials."

Though it remains to be seen if the Australian or American peoples will
awaken to the collapse of their banking systems and begin to protect
themselves, the same cannot be said of over 50 CEO's and CFO's of major
Global companies who have "unexpectedly" resigned over the past 3 weeks
and, most assuredly, are preparing themselves and their families for
this unprecedented financial storm and the havoc it will cause. 

C February 10, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved 

  Sorcha Faal

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