From: Adam Klaus, CREDO Action [] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 8:50 PM
Subject: Deadline Tuesday: Stop Monsanto's GMO contamination



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 <> Stop
Monsanto's GMO Contamination 

 <> Keep
organics safe from GMOs. 

 <> Image
removed by sender. No Monsanto GMOs

Tell the USDA to reject Monsanto's application to market its genetically
modified alfalfa - a threat to organic crops. 

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Dear Alex, 

During the Bush administration, Monsanto illegally won USDA approval for its
genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa by convincing regulators to bypass a
mandatory environmental review. In response to a lawsuit by consumer groups,
the courts then stepped in and banned GE alfalfa until the USDA followed the

In December, the USDA released its belated review of Monsanto's GE alfalfa
seed and determined that Monsanto's alfalfa met the Obama Administration's
standards, despite the risk of organic contamination. 

This conclusion came despite the acknowledgment by USDA researchers that GE
alfalfa is virtually certain to "contaminate" normal seeds.
Cross-contamination is the number one concern with genetically engineered

The <>  USDA
is accepting public comments on Monsanto's application through February 16.
Tell the USDA that Monsanto's alfalfa cannot be approved - the future of
organics depends on it.

Organic contamination is devastating for organic farmers, especially organic
dairy farmers, most of whom use organic alfalfa for feed. The presence of
even the smallest amount of GE material can cause a farm to lose its organic
certification. And court documents indicate that early plantings of GE
alfalfa did contaminate conventional alfalfa. Yet the USDA maintains that
Monsanto's existing safety protocols are good enough. This is ridiculous! 

Even worse, the USDA concluded that the possibility of contamination of
organic fields is of no concern, since consumers won't care if their organic
food or milk contains genetically engineered components. Yet central to the
definition of the USDA Organic label is the total absence of genetically
modified ingredients. An overwhelming majority of consumers buy organic to
avoid GE products and would be shocked to learn the USDA is so cavalier
about the risks of transgenic contamination. 

Tell <>  the
USDA you care about GE contamination. Keep Monsanto's genes out of our food!

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Adam Klaus, Campaign Manager 
Action from Working Assets 


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