From: Mary Bottari, BanksterUSA [] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 4:31 PM
Subject: For Valentine's Day - Break Up with Your Bank!


CvIRGp73zIkj> Image removed by sender. BanksterUSA -- Part of the Real
Economy Project


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February 12, 2010
CONTACT: Mary Bottari at (608) 260-9713 or


Image removed by sender. Break Up With Your Bank!

This Valentine's Day is the perfect time to end your abusive relationship
with the big banks that have a stranglehold on our country. They've been
lying, gambling, cheating and they seem to think they can just keep getting
away with it forever. Now's the time to tell them you want to bank with
someone who actually cares about you and whose interest rates don't exceed
their actual interest.

That's the message that our partners and friends A New Way Forward are
sending to the big banks this Valentine's Day. They are asking people to
start moving their money away from the largest banks to smaller local banks
and credit unions and boycott big-bank credit cards as well. Then, they are
asking people to help spread the word in a coordinated fashion at 400 events
around the country. They have a flyer that can be printed out and
photo-copied, and they're asking people to distribute it at job fairs and
other events.

Americans are drowning in $700 billion in credit card debt because of the
big banks' dangerous interest rates. Ninety percent of all credit cards are
from the four big banks, Bank of America, Chase, Citi and Wells Fargo. They
are using their market dominance to charge interest rates that are, on
average, 20 percent higher than the rates of local bank and credit union

Now I know that most BanksterUSA
2Bqx7lfIMVixz9OH>  subscribers may already have their savings at local
credit unions (or under their mattress), but if you have a friend in an
abusive banking relationship, please forward this email and tell them there
is help at
k%2FIRGp73zIkj> .

There is also a handy page of tips to make breaking up with your bank
simple. Click here
fHe1fIMVixz9OH>  to learn more!

Thanks for all your support and Happy Valentine's Day from BanksterUSA!

About Us

2Bz1fIMVixz9OH>  is a new project of the Wisconsin-based Center for Media
and Democracy
3mcw%2BVfIMVixz9OH>  (CMD). CMD was founded in 1993 as an independent,
non-profit, non-partisan, public interest group focusing on exposing
corporate spin and government propaganda. CMD brought you the book "Weapons
of Mass Deception" before the Bush team failed to find weapons in Iraq, and
we exposed "Fake News" in the media and the "Pentagon Pundits" on cable
news. With this new effort, we will debunk the spinmeisters of the powerful
financial services industry and help ordinary Americans take positive action
on the financial crisis and the real economy.

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520 University Avenue, Suite 227
Madison, Wisconsin 53703-4929
Phone: 608-260-9713 | Fax: 608-260-9714
E-mail:  <>

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