-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 6:15 PM
Subject: Jesse Ventura Exposes Gov't Underground Shelters from Comet
Incoming in Denver, Illuminati symbols


Here is a link to a televised broadcast, revealing the elite's
underground city within the bowels of Cheyenne Mountain:

Not sure about this part:

Excerpts from "Planet X and the Kolbrin Bible Connection," by Greg Jenner
(yowbooks.com):    [JD: text within {braces} are my explanatory notes.]

Foreword by Marshall Masters, former science editor of CNN:
"It is a great privilege for me to publish this work, as it will establish a
benchmark for Planet X historical research. As a Planet X researcher and
author of long standing, I believe Greg Jenner to be one of the best
Planet X historians alive today -- if not the best. This is because his
analysis reflects a lifetime of inquiry, which began for him in 1975 at
the age of 13."
. . . . .
"Jeremiah, a prophet from the Old Testament, felt compelled to
warn us of something he called 'the Destroyer.' He obviously knew
{actually, God knew} the significance of its wrath, and that every
place on Earth would be affected.    . . . . .
   From The Holy Bible (The New Century version)
   The Book of JEREMIAH Chapter 25:32 and Chapter 48:8
'Disasters will soon spread from nation to nation. They will come
like a powerful storm to all the faraway places on earth . . .
The DESTROYER will come against every town -- not one town
will escape . . . The Lord said this will happen.'  . . . .
. . . . .
Planet X is very real and known to the 'elite,' a hidden fact they
have discovered from an ancient source and have held close to
their hearts for quite some time -- until now.  . . . . .
. . . . In 1975, I purchased my first astronomy textbook entitled
'The Universe' by Sampson Low Publishers. . . . . . One thing,
however, jumped out at me and grabbed my attention. It was
a little blurb on page 99 about an extra hypothetical body
within the Solar System called Planet X.  . . . . . .'
. . . {from the astronomy textbook}:
{an illustration with caption, reading:} 'the orbit of a tenth 
planet, Planet X, whose existence was predicted as a result 
of computer studies by American astronomer Joseph Brady 
in 1972 . . . .'
. . . Over the course of my investigations, I've perused
countless esoteric books and ancient documents that give
tantalizing clues suggesting that a large-sized planet exists
within the far reaches of the Solar System. To the ancient
Sumerians, it was known as Nibiru (which means 'Planet
of crossing'), . . . It has a highly irregular {highly elliptical}
orbit; . . .  it periodically returns; upon returning, it crosses
Earth's orbit, causing havoc with our home world. . . .
. . . The Kolbrin {secular} Bible is comprised of eleven books,
the first six written by Egyptian academics and scribes after
the Exodus {of the Israelites from Egypt, around 1,500 B.C.}
. . . . . .  {reading from the Kolbrin:}
MANUSCRIPT 3:9 . . . 'Then will the Heavens tremble, and
the Earth move. Men will quake in fear, and while terror
walks with them, the Heralds of Doom will appear.'  . . .
. . . . 
'If the Kolbrin {secular} Bible contains startling passages
that describe the return of Planet X, the {global} 'elite'
would unquestionably want to keep this under wraps,
whilst, at the same time, start preparing -- at whatever
cost -- to survive into another age. According to the above
verse, it appears a select few will survive.  . . . . 
. . . Think about it. If a group of people possessed an 800
year-old document {I believe the Egyptian writings are
closer to 3,500 years old, penned by the generation who
witnessed God's ten plagues, described in the Book of
EXODUS, in The Holy Bible} stating without doubt that
a catastrophe would occur upon the return of a celestial
object, then they would have the luxury to carefully plan
out their survival by secretly building facilities, such as:
underground bunkers, gigantic ocean liners, and future
command posts. . . . . The {global} elite have taken the
Kolbrin Bible's warning very seriously. . . .
. . . . {again, reading from the Kolbrin:}
MANUSCRIPT 3:3 '. . . a great light appears redly in the
skies.' "  {It is very important to note the word 'redly.'
I will soon repost my analysis of the Holy Bible's Book
of ISAIAH, Chapter 63, clearly revealing gross English
language mistranslations from God's original Hebrew
scriptures, and correcting verse 6 to prove that God is
therein declaring that He will bring His 'glittering blood-
red object from afar, to its goal, Planet Earth.'}
---------- END OF EXCERPT -------- John DiNardo --------

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