

Mike James: Are Pedophiles Running Blair's War Machine? A child-sex scandal
that threatened to destroy Tony Blair's government last week has been
mysteriously squashed and wiped off the front pages of British newspapers.
Operation Ore, the United Kingdom's most thorough and comprehensive police
investigation of crimes against children, seems to have uncovered more than
is politically acceptable at the highest reaches of the British elite. In
the 19th of January edition of The Sunday Herald, Neil Mackay sensationally
reported that senior members of Tony Blair's government were being
investigated for paedophilia and the "enjoyment" of child-sex pornography: 


"The Sunday Herald has also had confirmed by a very senior source in British
intelligence that at least one high-profile former Labour Cabinet minister
is among Operation Ore suspects. The Sunday Herald has been given the
politician's name but, for legal reasons, can not identify the person. 


There are still unconfirmed rumours that another senior Labour politician is
among the suspects. The intelligence officer said that a 'rolling' Cabinet
committee had been set up to work out how to deal with the potentially
ruinous fall-out for both Tony Blair and the government if arrests occur." 


The allegations are the most serious yet levelled at an administration that
prides itself on the inclusion in its ranks of a high quota of controversial
and flamboyant homosexual men, and whose First Lady, Cherie Blair, has come
under the spotlight for her indulgence in pagan rituals that resemble
Freemasonic rites. Unconfirmed information also suggests that the term
"former Labour Cabinet minister" is misleading and that the investigation
has identified a surprisingly large number of alleged paedophiles at the
highest level of British government, including one very senior cabinet


The Blair government has responded by imposing a comprehensive blackout on
the story, effectively removing it from the domain of public discussion.
Attempts on the part of this journalist to establish why the British media
has not followed up on the revelations have met with a wall of silence.
Editors and journalists of The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The
Independent, The Sunday Times, The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph, The Daily
Mail, The Daily Express, The Mirror, The Sun, the BBC, Independent
Television News and even The Sunday Herald have refused to discuss the


Speaking from London, freelance journalist Bob Kearley told me: 


"Whether or not a D-Notice has been issued is not clear. But based on some
of the feedback I've been getting it's apparent that editors and media
owners have voluntarily agreed not to cover the story at this time.
Operation Ore is still being reported, but not in regard to government
ministers, and it's taking up very few column inches on the third or fourth
page. Don't forget that the intelligence services are involved here, and
Blair is anxious to ensure that the scandal does not rock the boat at a time
when the country is about to go to war." 


"You can imagine the effect this would have on the morale of troops who are
about to commit in Iraq. In fact morale is reportedly quite low anyway, with
service personnel throwing their vaccines into the sea en route to the
battlefront and knowing how unpopular the war is with the British people.
And a lot of squaddies I've met think there's something weird going on
between Bush and Blair. If you're then told that the executive responsible
for the conduct of the war is staffed by child-molesters ... well, then
Saddam suddenly looks like the sort of bloke with whom you can share a few
tins [beer]."  







Saturday, February 13, 2010



Col. Russell Williams, left, with Canada's Defence Minister Peter MacKay,
centre, and Gen. Walter Natynczyk, Canada's chief of defence staff, right.
(Trentonian/QMI Agency) 

In 2002, at Fort Bragg in the USA, four women were murdered in the space of
six weeks. (
inE8wY9SKA> The Fort Bragg murders: a grim warning on the use of the

In 2000, the bodies of two young girls were found near the perimeter fence
at USAF Lakenheath in the UK. (
QjCNFiwSmVITkkr00cR6mZkxFLqyqHYA&sig2=9asyoBlTD3oWZtUPGJupEg> Holly Wells
and Jessica Chapman)

In 2000, Staff Sergeant Frank Ronghi, pleaded guilty to sodomizing and
killing an 11-year-old Kosovar girl. (
QjCNFiwSmVITkkr00cR6mZkxFLqyqHYA&sig2=9asyoBlTD3oWZtUPGJupEg> Holly Wells
and Jessica Chapman) 

Colonel Russell Williams was the commander of Canada's largest military

In 2005, he served as commanding officer at Camp Mirage, an ultra-secret
base in Dubai. 

Reportedly, he likes to "collect" women's lingerie. 

On 8 February 2010, he was charged with murder and rape. (
<http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=2538811> COLONEL ARRESTED) 

Colonel Russell Williams 'was a close friend of convicted serial rapist and
murderer Paul Bernardo.' (
=3SerbYc5IdfX98I-NUSKsA> Colonel Russell Williams Was Friends with Paul
Bernardo. /
-killer-paul.html> The Killer Colonel and the Serial Killer Paul Bern...) 

Williams Cold Cases

A. Peasant, at  <http://twelfthbough.blogspot.com/> twelfthbough.blogspot/,
has been looking at the Colonel Russell Williams case. 

( <http://twelfthbough.blogspot.com/2010/02/when-criminal-asset.html> when
criminal = asset /
l> serial killer: the firewall defense /
<http://twelfthbough.blogspot.com/2010/02/bad-apple.html> a bad apple) 

Among the points made: 

1. According to Kay Griggs, her husband, Colonel George Griggs of the US
military, trained young men to be murderers. 

The young men who were selected were men with 'absent or abusive fathers,
poor, difficult childhoods, sexual deviants...' 

2. Colonel Russell Williams, according to the the
man-no-one-really-knew/article1463964/>  Globe and Mail: had a possibly
troubled childhood and"twice change his last name". 

3. In 1998, George Bush, as governor of Texas, pardoned Henry Lee Lucas, a
sadistic and prolific serial killer. 

In 1985, Lucas claimed that he was trained by a 'cult' in a mobile
paramilitary camp in the Florida Everglades in the art of killing. 

Other training involved abduction. 

Lucas claimed to have served the 'cult' as an abductor of children, who were
then taken just over the border to a ranch in Mexico near Juarez. 

Lucas has said that this cult operated out of Texas and from a ranch in
northern Mexico, trafficking in children and drugs. 

Lucas has stated that the cult included among its members various high level
politicians. Could this be the reason for the actions taken by Governor Bush
in June of 1998? 

4. Colonel Russell Williams may have been caught doing crimes that might
link back to many other people in the power structure. 

There may be a need for 'limited hangout' or damage control. There may be an
attempt to paint Williams as a lone "serial killer". 

MKULTRA 1950's (#7)



Donald Ewen Cameron (1901-1967) was involved in experiments in Canada for
Project MKULTRA, a United States based CIA-directed mind control program. 

After being recruited by the CIA, he commuted to Montreal every week to work
at the Allan Memorial Institute of the McGill University, and was paid
$69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKULTRA experiments there. (
Donald Ewen Cameron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) 

"At least 28 mass graves containing the remains of indigenous children who
died in the 'care' of religious and government institutions have been
discovered in Canada... 

"One of the sites is the notorious Allan Memorial Institute at McGill
University, where Donald E Cameron conducted research as part of the MKULTRA
program." (
Mass graves found in Canada linked to MKULTRA program) 




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