First I would like to thank BSAG for developing Tracks. It is a
phenomenal RoR app. I had been doing GTD in emacs and that has worked
well for me for the past couple of years (when I stick to it). However
recently at work my boss told he "had no visibility into what I do".
And I will admit that I have not communicated that well with him or
others with respect to what I do on any time frame. For all they know
I could be surfing the internet all day and playing games (I'm not).
I'm the company's MRP programmer and Systems Admin. One man show here.

I decided to look into several web based options. They were either
overkill, or just sucked azz in general. That's when I found Tracks.
As someone who has dabbled in RoR development and enjoys it AND who
also does GTD, it is Manna from Heaven.

After figuring out the quirks of install it and getting it up and
running - like install the older 1.8.7 version or RoR rather than the
newer, as well as some of the quirks of running it Windows, I got it
up and running and am very pleased. So pleased was I that I sat my
boss down and gave him an intro to it. He saw the value straight way
and suggested that I show it off to some higher ups who also would
have a certain appreciation for it. Thanks for making me look friggin

Alas, I was short sighted and thought I could share projects and tasks
and or reassign them to someone else in a multi-user environment. That
apparently is not the case.

I would like to add those features and of course would be more than
willing to share them back once added. However only dabbling in ruby
or rails does not qualify me to do so out of the box. Would someone be
willing to give me some pointers as to where to start?

1.) Specifically I would like to add the ability to share a project of
task publicly or with a specific user or mark it as private.

2). Be able to create a new task or project or take an existing one
and assign it to someone else.

3.) It would also be nice to share my statistics with others as
well.... but that is not as important as 1 & 2.

Thanks in advance for any and all your advice,

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