I'm not sure. Why is that desirable? I would tend to think that "text/plain" is 
just that. The text is shown as typed, stars or any other characters.

Interpreting "Markdown" or other "rich text" formatting languages is an 
assumption to make for plain text emails.

5 * 6 = 30

How did you know I wanted that bold?

Many clients handle HTML emails with <b>bold</b> tags etc, and that is common 
for text that has to be formatted but that entails graphic design issues, bugs, 
and viruses which are much more complicated and less reliable to handle.

On February 12, 2021 3:54:45 AM AKST, Erik Quaeghebeur 
<troj...@equaeghe.nospammail.net> wrote:
>On a new computer, I have the problem that Trojitá does not display 
>monospace text bold. Such text is used for text with stars around in 
>text/plain parts in the message viewer. On my old computer, bold is
>Bold is also shown in the message list and message header, which both
>use a 
>proportional font. Other applications (such as Kate and Konsole) show
>monospace fonts fine.
>So it must be a configuration issue. But I can't find out where. I know
>there were some KDE/Qt bugs related to bold text for monospaced fonts
>working a few years back. However, none of the workarounds mentioned
>seem appropriate.
>Does anyone have any idea?

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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