Blainer)  Wow, who do you think I am, BH Roberts?  I can defend the faith
somewhat, but you are asking me to be an encyclopedia which I am not.  I
did check out some of the sites you indicated below, and came across an
exellent summary of BH Roberts life in the Introduction to his book,
Studies of the Book of Mormon..  Some of your questions are answered

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 08:57:17 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Blaine   Can you explain these inconsistencies?
> If God was inspiring the translation process of the Book of Mormon, 
> why were 
> 4,000 <A 
> necessary? 
> Why do the stories and the characters in the Book of Mormon repeat 
> with only 
> minor variations in content and different names given to the 
> characters? 
> Example: Nephi and Moroni sound and act like the same character. 
> "There were 
> other Anti-Christs among the Nephites, but they were more military 
> leaders 
> than religious innovators . . . they are all of one breed and brand; 
> so 
> nearly alike that one mind is the author of them, and that a young 
> and 
> undeveloped, but piously inclined mind. The evidence I sorrowfully 
> submit, 
> points to Joseph Smith as their creator. It is difficult to believe 
> that they 
> are the product of history, that they come upon the scene separated 
> by long 
> periods of time, and among a race which was the ancestral race of 
> the red man 
> of America." (B. H. Roberts - <A 
> HREF="";>Studies of the Book of 
> Mormon</A>, page 271). 
> Why was the Book of Mormon cast into the KJV style? "...there is a 
> continual 
> use of the 'thee', 'thou' and 'ye', as well as the archaic verb 
> endings 'est' 
> (second person singular) and 'eth' (third person singular). Since 
> the 
> Elizabethan style was not Joseph's natural idiom, he continually 
> slipped out 
> of this King James pattern and repeatedly confused the norms as 
> well. Thus he 
> lapsed from 'ye' (subject) to 'you' (object) as the subject of 
> sentences 
> (e.g. 'Mos. 2:19; 3:34; 4:24), jumped from plural ('ye') to singular 
> ('thou') 
> in the same sentence (Mos. 4:22) and moved from verbs without 
> endings to ones 
> with endings (e.g. 'yields . . . putteth,' 3:19)." (The Use of the 
> Old 
> Testament in the Book of Mormon, by Wesley P. Walters, 1990, page 
> 30). 
> Was there a room full of plates in a secret chamber in the hill near 
> Joseph's 
> house as he and Brigham Young said? 
> Why were cliched Indian phrases like "Nine Moons" in (<A 
> HREF="";>Omni

> 1:21</A>) or "Great 
> Spirit" in (<A 
> 19:25</A>-27) included? 
> How did the <A 
> come up with the same rare idea of writing on plates 
> 2,000 years before Lehi when such a record keeping system is 
> virtually 
> unknown? 
> Why include the ridiculous prayer of the Zoramites in Alma 31? 
> Why is the Passover mentioned 71 times in the Bible, <A 
> HREF="";>but -0- times in the 
> Book of Mormon</A>? 
> How did Book of Mormon characters get the priesthood when they 
> weren't from 
> the <A HREF="";>tribe of 
> Levi</A>? 
> Why was <A HREF="";>Shakespeare 
> (as modified by Josiah Priest)</A> used? 
> What was the purpose in Moroni taking the plates back? Why couldn't 
> Joseph at 
> least been able to copy down the characters on the plates so that 
> future 
> generations could hopefully verify the characters' authenticity? 
> Similarly, 
> what ever happened to the parchment written by John of the New 
> Testament and 
> why would a translated document have to undergo a "re-translation" 
> between 
> its publication in the <A 
> HREF="";>Book of Commandments</A> 
> and <A HREF="";>D&C 
> 7</A>? Why weren't the 
> supposed writings of <A 
> HREF="";>Abraham (which were 
> actually common funerary texts 
> dating much later than the time Abraham was claimed to have 
> lived)</A> also taken 
> similarly back? 
> Why did Joseph's own accounts confuse whether he was visited by 
> Moroni or 
> Nephi? "He called me by name, and said unto me that he was a 
> messenger sent 
> from the presence of God to me, and that his name was Nephi." (J. 
> Smith - 
> Times & Seasons Vol. 3, p. 753 1842) also (J. Smith 1851 PoGP p. 
> 41).  

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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